Class DataRow

  • public class DataRow
    extends Object
    This class implements a row of Data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataRow

        public DataRow​(int colCnt)
        Creates a new row of report data.
        colCnt - Number of columns (should be set appropriately to save memory)
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(String property,
                        CellValue value)

        Adds cell data.

        If there's already cell data available for the specified property, the existing cell data gets overwritten by the new value.

        property - Name of the property
        value - The property's value for the eow
      • get

        public CellValue get​(String property)
        Gets the data of the specified cell.
        property - Name of property for which the data has to be retrieved
        The property's value for the row; null if no value is available