Class Futures

    • Method Detail

      • immediateFuture

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<V> immediateFuture​(@Nullable
                                                              V value)
        Creates a ListenableFuture which has its value set immediately upon construction. The getters just return the value. This Future can't be canceled or timed out and its isDone() method always returns true.
      • immediateCheckedFuture

        public static <V,​X extends ExceptionCheckedFuture<V,​X> immediateCheckedFuture​(@Nullable
                                                                                                    V value)
        Returns a CheckedFuture which has its value set immediately upon construction.

        The returned Future can't be cancelled, and its isDone() method always returns true. Calling get() or checkedGet() will immediately return the provided value.

      • immediateFailedFuture

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<V> immediateFailedFuture​(Throwable throwable)
        Returns a ListenableFuture which has an exception set immediately upon construction.

        The returned Future can't be cancelled, and its isDone() method always returns true. Calling get() will immediately throw the provided Throwable wrapped in an ExecutionException.

      • immediateCancelledFuture

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<V> immediateCancelledFuture()
        Creates a ListenableFuture which is cancelled immediately upon construction, so that isCancelled() always returns true.
      • immediateFailedCheckedFuture

        public static <V,​X extends ExceptionCheckedFuture<V,​X> immediateFailedCheckedFuture​(X exception)
        Returns a CheckedFuture which has an exception set immediately upon construction.

        The returned Future can't be cancelled, and its isDone() method always returns true. Calling get() will immediately throw the provided Exception wrapped in an ExecutionException, and calling checkedGet() will throw the provided exception itself.

      • withFallback

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<V> withFallback​(ListenableFuture<? extends V> input,
                                                           FutureFallback<? extends V> fallback)
        Returns a Future whose result is taken from the given primary input or, if the primary input fails, from the Future provided by the fallback. FutureFallback.create(java.lang.Throwable) is not invoked until the primary input has failed, so if the primary input succeeds, it is never invoked. If, during the invocation of fallback, an exception is thrown, this exception is used as the result of the output Future.

        Below is an example of a fallback that returns a default value if an exception occurs:

           ListenableFuture<Integer> fetchCounterFuture = ...;
           // Falling back to a zero counter in case an exception happens when
           // processing the RPC to fetch counters.
           ListenableFuture<Integer> faultTolerantFuture = Futures.withFallback(
               fetchCounterFuture, new FutureFallback<Integer>() {
                 public ListenableFuture<Integer> create(Throwable t) {
                   // Returning "0" as the default for the counter when the
                   // exception happens.
                   return immediateFuture(0);

        The fallback can also choose to propagate the original exception when desired:

           ListenableFuture<Integer> fetchCounterFuture = ...;
           // Falling back to a zero counter only in case the exception was a
           // TimeoutException.
           ListenableFuture<Integer> faultTolerantFuture = Futures.withFallback(
               fetchCounterFuture, new FutureFallback<Integer>() {
                 public ListenableFuture<Integer> create(Throwable t) {
                   if (t instanceof TimeoutException) {
                     return immediateFuture(0);
                   return immediateFailedFuture(t);

        Note: If the derived Future is slow or heavyweight to create (whether the Future itself is slow or heavyweight to complete is irrelevant), consider supplying an executor. If you do not supply an executor, withFallback will use sameThreadExecutor, which carries some caveats for heavier operations. For example, the call to fallback.create may run on an unpredictable or undesirable thread:

        • If the input Future is done at the time withFallback is called, withFallback will call fallback.create inline.
        • If the input Future is not yet done, withFallback will schedule fallback.create to be run by the thread that completes the input Future, which may be an internal system thread such as an RPC network thread.

        Also note that, regardless of which thread executes the sameThreadExecutor fallback.create, all other registered but unexecuted listeners are prevented from running during its execution, even if those listeners are to run in other executors.

        input - the primary input Future
        fallback - the FutureFallback implementation to be called if input fails
      • withFallback

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<V> withFallback​(ListenableFuture<? extends V> input,
                                                           FutureFallback<? extends V> fallback,
                                                           Executor executor)
        Returns a Future whose result is taken from the given primary input or, if the primary input fails, from the Future provided by the fallback. FutureFallback.create(java.lang.Throwable) is not invoked until the primary input has failed, so if the primary input succeeds, it is never invoked. If, during the invocation of fallback, an exception is thrown, this exception is used as the result of the output Future.

        Below is an example of a fallback that returns a default value if an exception occurs:

           ListenableFuture<Integer> fetchCounterFuture = ...;
           // Falling back to a zero counter in case an exception happens when
           // processing the RPC to fetch counters.
           ListenableFuture<Integer> faultTolerantFuture = Futures.withFallback(
               fetchCounterFuture, new FutureFallback<Integer>() {
                 public ListenableFuture<Integer> create(Throwable t) {
                   // Returning "0" as the default for the counter when the
                   // exception happens.
                   return immediateFuture(0);
               }, sameThreadExecutor());

        The fallback can also choose to propagate the original exception when desired:

           ListenableFuture<Integer> fetchCounterFuture = ...;
           // Falling back to a zero counter only in case the exception was a
           // TimeoutException.
           ListenableFuture<Integer> faultTolerantFuture = Futures.withFallback(
               fetchCounterFuture, new FutureFallback<Integer>() {
                 public ListenableFuture<Integer> create(Throwable t) {
                   if (t instanceof TimeoutException) {
                     return immediateFuture(0);
                   return immediateFailedFuture(t);
               }, sameThreadExecutor());

        When the execution of fallback.create is fast and lightweight (though the Future it returns need not meet these criteria), consider omitting the executor or explicitly specifying sameThreadExecutor. However, be aware of the caveats documented in the link above.

        input - the primary input Future
        fallback - the FutureFallback implementation to be called if input fails
        executor - the executor that runs fallback if input fails
      • transform

        public static <I,​O> ListenableFuture<O> transform​(ListenableFuture<I> input,
                                                                AsyncFunction<? super I,​? extends O> function)
        Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future. More precisely, the returned Future takes its result from a Future produced by applying the given AsyncFunction to the result of the original Future. Example:
           ListenableFuture<RowKey> rowKeyFuture = indexService.lookUp(query);
           AsyncFunction<RowKey, QueryResult> queryFunction =
               new AsyncFunction<RowKey, QueryResult>() {
                 public ListenableFuture<QueryResult> apply(RowKey rowKey) {
           ListenableFuture<QueryResult> queryFuture =
               transform(rowKeyFuture, queryFunction);

        Note: If the derived Future is slow or heavyweight to create (whether the Future itself is slow or heavyweight to complete is irrelevant), consider supplying an executor. If you do not supply an executor, transform will use sameThreadExecutor, which carries some caveats for heavier operations. For example, the call to function.apply may run on an unpredictable or undesirable thread:

        • If the input Future is done at the time transform is called, transform will call function.apply inline.
        • If the input Future is not yet done, transform will schedule function.apply to be run by the thread that completes the input Future, which may be an internal system thread such as an RPC network thread.

        Also note that, regardless of which thread executes the sameThreadExecutor function.apply, all other registered but unexecuted listeners are prevented from running during its execution, even if those listeners are to run in other executors.

        The returned Future attempts to keep its cancellation state in sync with that of the input future and that of the future returned by the function. That is, if the returned Future is cancelled, it will attempt to cancel the other two, and if either of the other two is cancelled, the returned Future will receive a callback in which it will attempt to cancel itself.

        input - The future to transform
        function - A function to transform the result of the input future to the result of the output future
        A future that holds result of the function (if the input succeeded) or the original input's failure (if not)
      • transform

        public static <I,​O> ListenableFuture<O> transform​(ListenableFuture<I> input,
                                                                AsyncFunction<? super I,​? extends O> function,
                                                                Executor executor)
        Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is asynchronously derived from the result of the given Future. More precisely, the returned Future takes its result from a Future produced by applying the given AsyncFunction to the result of the original Future. Example:
           ListenableFuture<RowKey> rowKeyFuture = indexService.lookUp(query);
           AsyncFunction<RowKey, QueryResult> queryFunction =
               new AsyncFunction<RowKey, QueryResult>() {
                 public ListenableFuture<QueryResult> apply(RowKey rowKey) {
           ListenableFuture<QueryResult> queryFuture =
               transform(rowKeyFuture, queryFunction, executor);

        The returned Future attempts to keep its cancellation state in sync with that of the input future and that of the future returned by the chain function. That is, if the returned Future is cancelled, it will attempt to cancel the other two, and if either of the other two is cancelled, the returned Future will receive a callback in which it will attempt to cancel itself.

        When the execution of function.apply is fast and lightweight (though the Future it returns need not meet these criteria), consider omitting the executor or explicitly specifying sameThreadExecutor. However, be aware of the caveats documented in the link above.

        input - The future to transform
        function - A function to transform the result of the input future to the result of the output future
        executor - Executor to run the function in.
        A future that holds result of the function (if the input succeeded) or the original input's failure (if not)
      • transform

        public static <I,​O> ListenableFuture<O> transform​(ListenableFuture<I> input,
                                                                Function<? super I,​? extends O> function)
        Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is the product of applying the given Function to the result of the given Future. Example:
           ListenableFuture<QueryResult> queryFuture = ...;
           Function<QueryResult, List<Row>> rowsFunction =
               new Function<QueryResult, List<Row>>() {
                 public List<Row> apply(QueryResult queryResult) {
                   return queryResult.getRows();
           ListenableFuture<List<Row>> rowsFuture =
               transform(queryFuture, rowsFunction);

        Note: If the transformation is slow or heavyweight, consider supplying an executor. If you do not supply an executor, transform will use sameThreadExecutor, which carries some caveats for heavier operations. For example, the call to function.apply may run on an unpredictable or undesirable thread:

        • If the input Future is done at the time transform is called, transform will call function.apply inline.
        • If the input Future is not yet done, transform will schedule function.apply to be run by the thread that completes the input Future, which may be an internal system thread such as an RPC network thread.

        Also note that, regardless of which thread executes the sameThreadExecutor function.apply, all other registered but unexecuted listeners are prevented from running during its execution, even if those listeners are to run in other executors.

        The returned Future attempts to keep its cancellation state in sync with that of the input future. That is, if the returned Future is cancelled, it will attempt to cancel the input, and if the input is cancelled, the returned Future will receive a callback in which it will attempt to cancel itself.

        An example use of this method is to convert a serializable object returned from an RPC into a POJO.

        input - The future to transform
        function - A Function to transform the results of the provided future to the results of the returned future. This will be run in the thread that notifies input it is complete.
        A future that holds result of the transformation.
        9.0 (in 1.0 as compose)
      • transform

        public static <I,​O> ListenableFuture<O> transform​(ListenableFuture<I> input,
                                                                Function<? super I,​? extends O> function,
                                                                Executor executor)
        Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is the product of applying the given Function to the result of the given Future. Example:
           ListenableFuture<QueryResult> queryFuture = ...;
           Function<QueryResult, List<Row>> rowsFunction =
               new Function<QueryResult, List<Row>>() {
                 public List<Row> apply(QueryResult queryResult) {
                   return queryResult.getRows();
           ListenableFuture<List<Row>> rowsFuture =
               transform(queryFuture, rowsFunction, executor);

        The returned Future attempts to keep its cancellation state in sync with that of the input future. That is, if the returned Future is cancelled, it will attempt to cancel the input, and if the input is cancelled, the returned Future will receive a callback in which it will attempt to cancel itself.

        An example use of this method is to convert a serializable object returned from an RPC into a POJO.

        When the transformation is fast and lightweight, consider omitting the executor or explicitly specifying sameThreadExecutor. However, be aware of the caveats documented in the link above.

        input - The future to transform
        function - A Function to transform the results of the provided future to the results of the returned future.
        executor - Executor to run the function in.
        A future that holds result of the transformation.
        9.0 (in 2.0 as compose)
      • lazyTransform

        public static <I,​O> Future<O> lazyTransform​(Future<I> input,
                                                          Function<? super I,​? extends O> function)
        Like transform(ListenableFuture, Function) except that the transformation function is invoked on each call to get() on the returned future.

        The returned Future reflects the input's cancellation state directly, and any attempt to cancel the returned Future is likewise passed through to the input Future.

        Note that calls to timed get only apply the timeout to the execution of the underlying Future, not to the execution of the transformation function.

        The primary audience of this method is callers of transform who don't have a ListenableFuture available and do not mind repeated, lazy function evaluation.

        input - The future to transform
        function - A Function to transform the results of the provided future to the results of the returned future.
        A future that returns the result of the transformation.
      • dereference

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<V> dereference​(ListenableFuture<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends V>> nested)
        Returns a new ListenableFuture whose result is the product of calling get() on the Future nested within the given Future, effectively chaining the futures one after the other. Example:
           SettableFuture<ListenableFuture<String>> nested = SettableFuture.create();
           ListenableFuture<String> dereferenced = dereference(nested);

        This call has the same cancellation and execution semantics as transform(ListenableFuture, AsyncFunction), in that the returned Future attempts to keep its cancellation state in sync with both the input Future and the nested Future. The transformation is very lightweight and therefore takes place in the thread that called dereference.

        nested - The nested future to transform.
        A future that holds result of the inner future.
      • allAsList

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<List<V>> allAsList​(ListenableFuture<? extends V>... futures)
        Creates a new ListenableFuture whose value is a list containing the values of all its input futures, if all succeed. If any input fails, the returned future fails.

        The list of results is in the same order as the input list.

        Canceling this future will attempt to cancel all the component futures, and if any of the provided futures fails or is canceled, this one is, too.

        futures - futures to combine
        a future that provides a list of the results of the component futures
      • allAsList

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<List<V>> allAsList​(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends V>> futures)
        Creates a new ListenableFuture whose value is a list containing the values of all its input futures, if all succeed. If any input fails, the returned future fails.

        The list of results is in the same order as the input list.

        Canceling this future will attempt to cancel all the component futures, and if any of the provided futures fails or is canceled, this one is, too.

        futures - futures to combine
        a future that provides a list of the results of the component futures
      • nonCancellationPropagating

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<V> nonCancellationPropagating​(ListenableFuture<V> future)
        Creates a new ListenableFuture whose result is set from the supplied future when it completes. Cancelling the supplied future will also cancel the returned future, but cancelling the returned future will have no effect on the supplied future.
      • successfulAsList

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<List<V>> successfulAsList​(ListenableFuture<? extends V>... futures)
        Creates a new ListenableFuture whose value is a list containing the values of all its successful input futures. The list of results is in the same order as the input list, and if any of the provided futures fails or is canceled, its corresponding position will contain null (which is indistinguishable from the future having a successful value of null).

        Canceling this future will attempt to cancel all the component futures.

        futures - futures to combine
        a future that provides a list of the results of the component futures
      • successfulAsList

        public static <V> ListenableFuture<List<V>> successfulAsList​(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends V>> futures)
        Creates a new ListenableFuture whose value is a list containing the values of all its successful input futures. The list of results is in the same order as the input list, and if any of the provided futures fails or is canceled, its corresponding position will contain null (which is indistinguishable from the future having a successful value of null).

        Canceling this future will attempt to cancel all the component futures.

        futures - futures to combine
        a future that provides a list of the results of the component futures
      • addCallback

        public static <V> void addCallback​(ListenableFuture<V> future,
                                           FutureCallback<? super V> callback)
        Registers separate success and failure callbacks to be run when the Future's computation is complete or, if the computation is already complete, immediately.

        There is no guaranteed ordering of execution of callbacks, but any callback added through this method is guaranteed to be called once the computation is complete. Example:

         ListenableFuture<QueryResult> future = ...;
             new FutureCallback<QueryResult> {
               public void onSuccess(QueryResult result) {
               public void onFailure(Throwable t) {

        Note: If the callback is slow or heavyweight, consider supplying an executor. If you do not supply an executor, addCallback will use sameThreadExecutor, which carries some caveats for heavier operations. For example, the callback may run on an unpredictable or undesirable thread:

        • If the input Future is done at the time addCallback is called, addCallback will execute the callback inline.
        • If the input Future is not yet done, addCallback will schedule the callback to be run by the thread that completes the input Future, which may be an internal system thread such as an RPC network thread.

        Also note that, regardless of which thread executes the sameThreadExecutor callback, all other registered but unexecuted listeners are prevented from running during its execution, even if those listeners are to run in other executors.

        For a more general interface to attach a completion listener to a Future, see addListener.

        future - The future attach the callback to.
        callback - The callback to invoke when future is completed.
      • addCallback

        public static <V> void addCallback​(ListenableFuture<V> future,
                                           FutureCallback<? super V> callback,
                                           Executor executor)
        Registers separate success and failure callbacks to be run when the Future's computation is complete or, if the computation is already complete, immediately.

        The callback is run in executor. There is no guaranteed ordering of execution of callbacks, but any callback added through this method is guaranteed to be called once the computation is complete. Example:

         ListenableFuture<QueryResult> future = ...;
         Executor e = ...
         addCallback(future, e,
             new FutureCallback<QueryResult> {
               public void onSuccess(QueryResult result) {
               public void onFailure(Throwable t) {

        When the callback is fast and lightweight, consider omitting the executor or explicitly specifying sameThreadExecutor. However, be aware of the caveats documented in the link above.

        For a more general interface to attach a completion listener to a Future, see addListener.

        future - The future attach the callback to.
        callback - The callback to invoke when future is completed.
        executor - The executor to run callback when the future completes.
      • get

        public static <V,​X extends Exception> V get​(Future<V> future,
                                                          Class<X> exceptionClass)
                                                   throws X extends Exception
        Returns the result of Future.get(), converting most exceptions to a new instance of the given checked exception type. This reduces boilerplate for a common use of Future in which it is unnecessary to programmatically distinguish between exception types or to extract other information from the exception instance.

        Exceptions from Future.get are treated as follows:

        The overall principle is to continue to treat every checked exception as a checked exception, every unchecked exception as an unchecked exception, and every error as an error. In addition, the cause of any ExecutionException is wrapped in order to ensure that the new stack trace matches that of the current thread.

        Instances of exceptionClass are created by choosing an arbitrary public constructor that accepts zero or more arguments, all of type String or Throwable (preferring constructors with at least one String) and calling the constructor via reflection. If the exception did not already have a cause, one is set by calling Throwable.initCause(Throwable) on it. If no such constructor exists, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        X - if get throws any checked exception except for an ExecutionException whose cause is not itself a checked exception
        UncheckedExecutionException - if get throws an ExecutionException with a RuntimeException as its cause
        ExecutionError - if get throws an ExecutionException with an Error as its cause
        CancellationException - if get throws a CancellationException
        IllegalArgumentException - if exceptionClass extends RuntimeException or does not have a suitable constructor
        X extends Exception
      • get

        public static <V,​X extends Exception> V get​(Future<V> future,
                                                          long timeout,
                                                          TimeUnit unit,
                                                          Class<X> exceptionClass)
                                                   throws X extends Exception
        Returns the result of Future.get(long, TimeUnit), converting most exceptions to a new instance of the given checked exception type. This reduces boilerplate for a common use of Future in which it is unnecessary to programmatically distinguish between exception types or to extract other information from the exception instance.

        Exceptions from Future.get are treated as follows:

        The overall principle is to continue to treat every checked exception as a checked exception, every unchecked exception as an unchecked exception, and every error as an error. In addition, the cause of any ExecutionException is wrapped in order to ensure that the new stack trace matches that of the current thread.

        Instances of exceptionClass are created by choosing an arbitrary public constructor that accepts zero or more arguments, all of type String or Throwable (preferring constructors with at least one String) and calling the constructor via reflection. If the exception did not already have a cause, one is set by calling Throwable.initCause(Throwable) on it. If no such constructor exists, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        X - if get throws any checked exception except for an ExecutionException whose cause is not itself a checked exception
        UncheckedExecutionException - if get throws an ExecutionException with a RuntimeException as its cause
        ExecutionError - if get throws an ExecutionException with an Error as its cause
        CancellationException - if get throws a CancellationException
        IllegalArgumentException - if exceptionClass extends RuntimeException or does not have a suitable constructor
        X extends Exception
      • getUnchecked

        public static <V> V getUnchecked​(Future<V> future)
        Returns the result of calling Future.get() uninterruptibly on a task known not to throw a checked exception. This makes Future more suitable for lightweight, fast-running tasks that, barring bugs in the code, will not fail. This gives it exception-handling behavior similar to that of ForkJoinTask.join.

        Exceptions from Future.get are treated as follows:

        The overall principle is to eliminate all checked exceptions: to loop to avoid InterruptedException, to pass through CancellationException, and to wrap any exception from the underlying computation in an UncheckedExecutionException or ExecutionError.

        For an uninterruptible get that preserves other exceptions, see Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly(Future).

        UncheckedExecutionException - if get throws an ExecutionException with an Exception as its cause
        ExecutionError - if get throws an ExecutionException with an Error as its cause
        CancellationException - if get throws a CancellationException