Interface NodeDefinitionTemplate

  • All Superinterfaces:
    ItemDefinition, NodeDefinition

    public interface NodeDefinitionTemplate
    extends NodeDefinition
    The NodeDefinitionTemplate interface extends NodeDefinition with the addition of write methods, enabling the characteristics of a child node definition to be set, after which the NodeDefinitionTemplate is added to a NodeTypeTemplate.

    See the corresponding get methods for each attribute in NodeDefinition for the default values assumed when a new empty NodeDefinitionTemplate is created (as opposed to one extracted from an existing NodeType).

    JCR 2.0
    • Method Detail

      • setName

        void setName​(String name)
              throws ConstraintViolationException
        Sets the name of the node. This must be a JCR name in either qualified or expanded form.
        name - a JCR name.
        ConstraintViolationException - if name is not a syntactically valid JCR name in either qualified or expanded form.
      • setAutoCreated

        void setAutoCreated​(boolean autoCreated)
        Sets the auto-create status of the node.
        autoCreated - a boolean.
      • setMandatory

        void setMandatory​(boolean mandatory)
        Sets the mandatory status of the node.
        mandatory - a boolean.
      • setOnParentVersion

        void setOnParentVersion​(int opv)
        Sets the on-parent-version status of the node.
        opv - an int constant member of OnParentVersionAction.
      • setProtected

        void setProtected​(boolean protectedStatus)
        Sets the protected status of the node.
        protectedStatus - a boolean.
      • setRequiredPrimaryTypeNames

        void setRequiredPrimaryTypeNames​(String[] names)
                                  throws ConstraintViolationException
        Sets the names of the required primary types of this node. These must be a JCR names in either qualified or expanded form.
        names - an array of JCR names.
        ConstraintViolationException - if names includes a name that is not a syntactically valid JCR name in either qualified or expanded form.
      • setDefaultPrimaryTypeName

        void setDefaultPrimaryTypeName​(String name)
                                throws ConstraintViolationException
        Sets the name of the default primary type of this node. This must be a JCR name in either qualified or expanded form.
        name - a JCR name.
        ConstraintViolationException - if name is not a syntactically valid JCR name in either qualified or expanded form.
      • setSameNameSiblings

        void setSameNameSiblings​(boolean allowSameNameSiblings)
        Sets the same-name sibling status of this node.
        allowSameNameSiblings - a boolean.