Class TransportEvent

    • Field Detail


        public static final int MESSAGE_DELIVERED
        Message has been successfully delivered to all recipients by the transport firing this event. validSent[] contains all the addresses this transport sent to successfully. validUnsent[] and invalid[] should be null,
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MESSAGE_NOT_DELIVERED
        Message was not sent for some reason. validSent[] should be null. validUnsent[] may have addresses that are valid (but the message wasn't sent to them). invalid[] should likely contain invalid addresses.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MESSAGE_PARTIALLY_DELIVERED
        Message was successfully sent to some recipients but not to all. validSent[] holds addresses of recipients to whom the message was sent. validUnsent[] holds valid addresses to which the message was not sent. invalid[] holds invalid addresses, if any.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransportEvent

        public TransportEvent​(Transport transport,
                              int type,
                              Address[] validSent,
                              Address[] validUnsent,
                              Address[] invalid,
                              Message msg)
        transport - The Transport object
        type - the event type (MESSAGE_DELIVERED, etc.)
        validSent - the valid addresses to which the message was sent
        validUnsent - the valid addresses to which the message was not sent
        invalid - the invalid addresses
        msg - the message being sent
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public int getType()
        Return the type of this event.
      • getValidSentAddresses

        public Address[] getValidSentAddresses()
        Return the addresses to which this message was sent succesfully.
        Addresses to which the message was sent successfully or null
      • getValidUnsentAddresses

        public Address[] getValidUnsentAddresses()
        Return the addresses that are valid but to which this message was not sent.
        Addresses that are valid but to which the message was not sent successfully or null
      • getInvalidAddresses

        public Address[] getInvalidAddresses()
        Return the addresses to which this message could not be sent.
        Addresses to which the message sending failed or null
      • getMessage

        public Message getMessage()
        Get the Message object associated with this Transport Event.
        the Message object
        JavaMail 1.2
      • dispatch

        public void dispatch​(Object listener)
        Invokes the appropriate TransportListener method.
        Specified by:
        dispatch in class MailEvent
        listener - the listener to invoke on