Class SharedFileInputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, SharedInputStream

    public class SharedFileInputStream
    extends BufferedInputStream
    implements SharedInputStream
    A SharedFileInputStream is a BufferedInputStream that buffers data from the file and supports the mark and reset methods. It also supports the newStream method that allows you to create other streams that represent subsets of the file. A RandomAccessFile object is used to access the file data.

    Note that when the SharedFileInputStream is closed, all streams created with the newStream method are also closed. This allows the creator of the SharedFileInputStream object to control access to the underlying file and ensure that it is closed when needed, to avoid leaking file descriptors. Note also that this behavior contradicts the requirements of SharedInputStream and may change in a future release.

    JavaMail 1.4
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int available()
      Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
      void close()
      Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
      long getPosition()
      Return the current position in the InputStream, as an offset from the beginning of the InputStream.
      void mark​(int readlimit)
      See the general contract of the mark method of InputStream.
      boolean markSupported()
      Tests if this input stream supports the mark and reset methods.
      InputStream newStream​(long start, long end)
      Return a new InputStream representing a subset of the data from this InputStream, starting at start (inclusive) up to end (exclusive).
      int read()
      See the general contract of the read method of InputStream.
      int read​(byte[] b, int off, int len)
      Reads bytes from this stream into the specified byte array, starting at the given offset.
      void reset()
      See the general contract of the reset method of InputStream.
      long skip​(long n)
      See the general contract of the skip method of InputStream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SharedFileInputStream

        public SharedFileInputStream​(File file)
                              throws IOException
        Creates a SharedFileInputStream for the file.
        file - the file
        IOException - for errors opening the file
      • SharedFileInputStream

        public SharedFileInputStream​(String file)
                              throws IOException
        Creates a SharedFileInputStream for the named file
        file - the file
        IOException - for errors opening the file
      • SharedFileInputStream

        public SharedFileInputStream​(File file,
                                     int size)
                              throws IOException
        Creates a SharedFileInputStream with the specified buffer size.
        file - the file
        size - the buffer size.
        IOException - for errors opening the file
        IllegalArgumentException - if size ≤ 0.
      • SharedFileInputStream

        public SharedFileInputStream​(String file,
                                     int size)
                              throws IOException
        Creates a SharedFileInputStream with the specified buffer size.
        file - the file
        size - the buffer size.
        IOException - for errors opening the file
        IllegalArgumentException - if size ≤ 0.
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public int read()
                 throws IOException
        See the general contract of the read method of InputStream.
        read in class BufferedInputStream
        the next byte of data, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • read

        public int read​(byte[] b,
                        int off,
                        int len)
                 throws IOException
        Reads bytes from this stream into the specified byte array, starting at the given offset.

        This method implements the general contract of the corresponding read method of the InputStream class.

        read in class BufferedInputStream
        b - destination buffer.
        off - offset at which to start storing bytes.
        len - maximum number of bytes to read.
        the number of bytes read, or -1 if the end of the stream has been reached.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • skip

        public long skip​(long n)
                  throws IOException
        See the general contract of the skip method of InputStream.
        skip in class BufferedInputStream
        n - the number of bytes to be skipped.
        the actual number of bytes skipped.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • available

        public int available()
                      throws IOException
        Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
        available in class BufferedInputStream
        the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • mark

        public void mark​(int readlimit)
        See the general contract of the mark method of InputStream.
        mark in class BufferedInputStream
        readlimit - the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before the mark position becomes invalid.
        See Also:
      • reset

        public void reset()
                   throws IOException
        See the general contract of the reset method of InputStream.

        If markpos is -1 (no mark has been set or the mark has been invalidated), an IOException is thrown. Otherwise, pos is set equal to markpos.

        reset in class BufferedInputStream
        IOException - if this stream has not been marked or if the mark has been invalidated.
        See Also:
      • markSupported

        public boolean markSupported()
        Tests if this input stream supports the mark and reset methods. The markSupported method of SharedFileInputStream returns true.
        markSupported in class BufferedInputStream
        a boolean indicating if this stream type supports the mark and reset methods.
        See Also:
        InputStream.mark(int), InputStream.reset()
      • getPosition

        public long getPosition()
        Return the current position in the InputStream, as an offset from the beginning of the InputStream.
        Specified by:
        getPosition in interface SharedInputStream
        the current position
      • newStream

        public InputStream newStream​(long start,
                                     long end)
        Return a new InputStream representing a subset of the data from this InputStream, starting at start (inclusive) up to end (exclusive). start must be non-negative. If end is -1, the new stream ends at the same place as this stream. The returned InputStream will also implement the SharedInputStream interface.
        Specified by:
        newStream in interface SharedInputStream
        start - the starting position
        end - the ending position + 1
        the new stream