Interface ScatterGatherBackingStore

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, Closeable
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ScatterGatherBackingStore
    extends Closeable

    Store intermediate payload in a scatter-gather scenario. Multiple threads write their payload to a backing store, which can subsequently be reversed to an InputStream to be used as input in the gather phase.

    It is the responsibility of the allocator of an instance of this class to close this. Closing it should clear off any allocated structures and preferably delete files.

    • Method Detail

      • getInputStream

        InputStream getInputStream()
                            throws IOException
        An input stream that contains the scattered payload
        An InputStream, should be closed by the caller of this method.
        IOException - when something fails
      • writeOut

        void writeOut​(byte[] data,
                      int offset,
                      int length)
               throws IOException
        Writes a piece of payload.
        data - the data to write
        offset - offset inside data to start writing from
        length - the amount of data to write
        IOException - when something fails
      • closeForWriting

        void closeForWriting()
                      throws IOException
        Closes this backing store for further writing.
        IOException - when something fails