Class XmlStreamWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlStreamWriter

        public XmlStreamWriter​(OutputStream out)
        Constructs a new XML stream writer for the specified output stream with a default encoding of UTF-8.
        out - The output stream
      • XmlStreamWriter

        public XmlStreamWriter​(OutputStream out,
                               String defaultEncoding)
        Constructs a new XML stream writer for the specified output stream with the specified default encoding.
        out - The output stream
        defaultEncoding - The default encoding if not encoding could be detected
      • XmlStreamWriter

        public XmlStreamWriter​(File file)
                        throws FileNotFoundException
        Constructs a new XML stream writer for the specified file with a default encoding of UTF-8.
        file - The file to write to
        FileNotFoundException - if there is an error creating or opening the file
      • XmlStreamWriter

        public XmlStreamWriter​(File file,
                               String defaultEncoding)
                        throws FileNotFoundException
        Constructs a new XML stream writer for the specified file with the specified default encoding.
        file - The file to write to
        defaultEncoding - The default encoding if not encoding could be detected
        FileNotFoundException - if there is an error creating or opening the file
    • Method Detail

      • getEncoding

        public String getEncoding()
        Returns the detected encoding.
        the detected encoding
      • getDefaultEncoding

        public String getDefaultEncoding()
        Returns the default encoding.
        the default encoding
      • write

        public void write​(char[] cbuf,
                          int off,
                          int len)
                   throws IOException
        Writes the characters to the underlying writer, detecting encoding.
        Specified by:
        write in class Writer
        cbuf - the buffer to write the characters from
        off - The start offset
        len - The number of characters to write
        IOException - if an error occurs detecting the encoding