Class Covariance

  • public class Covariance
    extends Object
    Computes covariances for pairs of arrays or columns of a matrix.

    The constructors that take RealMatrix or double[][] arguments generate covariance matrices. The columns of the input matrices are assumed to represent variable values.

    The constructor argument biasCorrected determines whether or not computed covariances are bias-corrected.

    Unbiased covariances are given by the formula

    cov(X, Y) = Σ[(xi - E(X))(yi - E(Y))] / (n - 1) where E(X) is the mean of X and E(Y) is the mean of the Y values.

    Non-bias-corrected estimates use n in place of n - 1

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create a Covariance with no data
      Covariance​(double[][] data)
      Create a Covariance matrix from a rectangular array whose columns represent covariates.
      Covariance​(double[][] data, boolean biasCorrected)
      Create a Covariance matrix from a rectangular array whose columns represent covariates.
      Covariance​(RealMatrix matrix)
      Create a covariance matrix from a matrix whose columns represent covariates.
      Covariance​(RealMatrix matrix, boolean biasCorrected)
      Create a covariance matrix from a matrix whose columns represent covariates.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Covariance

        public Covariance()
        Create a Covariance with no data
      • Covariance

        public Covariance​(double[][] data,
                          boolean biasCorrected)
        Create a Covariance matrix from a rectangular array whose columns represent covariates.

        The biasCorrected parameter determines whether or not covariance estimates are bias-corrected.

        The input array must be rectangular with at least two columns and two rows.

        data - rectangular array with columns representing covariates
        biasCorrected - true means covariances are bias-corrected
        IllegalArgumentException - if the input data array is not rectangular with at least two rows and two columns.
      • Covariance

        public Covariance​(double[][] data)
        Create a Covariance matrix from a rectangular array whose columns represent covariates.

        The input array must be rectangular with at least two columns and two rows

        data - rectangular array with columns representing covariates
        IllegalArgumentException - if the input data array is not rectangular with at least two rows and two columns.
      • Covariance

        public Covariance​(RealMatrix matrix,
                          boolean biasCorrected)
        Create a covariance matrix from a matrix whose columns represent covariates.

        The biasCorrected parameter determines whether or not covariance estimates are bias-corrected.

        The matrix must have at least two columns and two rows

        matrix - matrix with columns representing covariates
        biasCorrected - true means covariances are bias-corrected
        IllegalArgumentException - if the input matrix does not have at least two rows and two columns
      • Covariance

        public Covariance​(RealMatrix matrix)
        Create a covariance matrix from a matrix whose columns represent covariates.

        The matrix must have at least two columns and two rows

        matrix - matrix with columns representing covariates
        IllegalArgumentException - if the input matrix does not have at least two rows and two columns
    • Method Detail

      • getCovarianceMatrix

        public RealMatrix getCovarianceMatrix()
        Returns the covariance matrix
        covariance matrix
      • getN

        public int getN()
        Returns the number of observations (length of covariate vectors)
        number of observations
      • covariance

        public double covariance​(double[] xArray,
                                 double[] yArray,
                                 boolean biasCorrected)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Computes the covariance between the two arrays.

        Array lengths must match and the common length must be at least 2.

        xArray - first data array
        yArray - second data array
        biasCorrected - if true, returned value will be bias-corrected
        returns the covariance for the two arrays
        IllegalArgumentException - if the arrays lengths do not match or there is insufficient data
      • covariance

        public double covariance​(double[] xArray,
                                 double[] yArray)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
        Computes the covariance between the two arrays, using the bias-corrected formula.

        Array lengths must match and the common length must be at least 2.

        xArray - first data array
        yArray - second data array
        returns the covariance for the two arrays
        IllegalArgumentException - if the arrays lengths do not match or there is insufficient data