Class BasicHttpResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicHttpResponse

        public BasicHttpResponse​(StatusLine statusline,
                                 ReasonPhraseCatalog catalog,
                                 Locale locale)
        Creates a new response. This is the constructor to which all others map.
        statusline - the status line
        catalog - the reason phrase catalog, or null to disable automatic reason phrase lookup
        locale - the locale for looking up reason phrases, or null for the system locale
      • BasicHttpResponse

        public BasicHttpResponse​(StatusLine statusline)
        Creates a response from a status line. The response will not have a reason phrase catalog and use the system default locale.
        statusline - the status line
      • BasicHttpResponse

        public BasicHttpResponse​(ProtocolVersion ver,
                                 int code,
                                 String reason)
        Creates a response from elements of a status line. The response will not have a reason phrase catalog and use the system default locale.
        ver - the protocol version of the response
        code - the status code of the response
        reason - the reason phrase to the status code, or null