Class AbstractSharedCachingDataStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSharedCachingDataStore

        public AbstractSharedCachingDataStore()
    • Method Detail

      • getRecord

        public DataRecord getRecord​(DataIdentifier identifier)
                             throws DataStoreException
        Description copied from interface: DataStore
        Returns the identified data record. The given identifier should be the identifier of a previously saved data record. Since records are never removed, there should never be cases where the identified record is not found. Abnormal cases like that are treated as errors and handled by throwing an exception.
        Specified by:
        getRecord in interface DataStore
        getRecord in class AbstractDataStore
        identifier - data identifier
        identified data record
        DataStoreException - if the data store could not be accessed, or if the given identifier is invalid
      • getRecordIfStored

        public @Nullable DataRecord getRecordIfStored​(DataIdentifier dataIdentifier)
                                               throws DataStoreException
        Description copied from interface: DataStore
        Check if a record for the given identifier exists, and return it if yes. If no record exists, this method returns null.
        Specified by:
        getRecordIfStored in interface DataStore
        dataIdentifier - data identifier
        the record if found, and null if not
        DataStoreException - if the data store could not be accessed
      • addRecord

        public DataRecord addRecord​(InputStream inputStream)
                             throws DataStoreException
        Description copied from interface: DataStore
        Creates a new data record. The given binary stream is consumed and a binary record containing the consumed stream is created and returned. If the same stream already exists in another record, then that record is returned instead of creating a new one.

        The given stream is consumed and not closed by this method. It is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream. A typical call pattern would be:

             InputStream stream = ...;
             try {
                 record = store.addRecord(stream);
             } finally {
        Specified by:
        addRecord in interface DataStore
        inputStream - binary stream
        data record that contains the given stream
        DataStoreException - if the data store could not be accessed
      • exists

        public boolean exists​(DataIdentifier identifier)
        Look in the backend for a record matching the given identifier. Returns true if such a record exists.
        identifier - - An identifier for the record.
        true if a record for the provided identifier can be found.
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String path)
        ------------------------- setters ----------------------------------------------
      • setCacheSize

        public void setCacheSize​(long cacheSize)
      • setStagingSplitPercentage

        public void setStagingSplitPercentage​(int stagingSplitPercentage)
      • setUploadThreads

        public void setUploadThreads​(int uploadThreads)
      • setStagingPurgeInterval

        public void setStagingPurgeInterval​(int stagingPurgeInterval)
      • setStagingRetryInterval

        public void setStagingRetryInterval​(int stagingRetryInterval)
      • setStatisticsProvider

        public void setStatisticsProvider​(StatisticsProvider statisticsProvider)
      • deleteMetadataRecord

        public boolean deleteMetadataRecord​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: SharedDataStore
        Deletes the root record represented by the given parameters.
        Specified by:
        deleteMetadataRecord in interface SharedDataStore
        name - the name of the root record
      • clearInUse

        public void clearInUse()
        ------------------------ unimplemented methods -------------------------------------------
        Specified by:
        clearInUse in interface DataStore
      • updateModifiedDateOnAccess

        public void updateModifiedDateOnAccess​(long l)
        Description copied from interface: DataStore
        From now on, update the modified date of an object even when accessing it. Usually, the modified date is only updated when creating a new object, or when a new link is added to an existing object. When this setting is enabled, even getLength() will update the modified date.
        Specified by:
        updateModifiedDateOnAccess in interface DataStore
        l - - update the modified date to the current time if it is older than this value
      • deleteAllOlderThan

        public int deleteAllOlderThan​(long l)
                               throws DataStoreException
        Description copied from interface: DataStore
        Delete objects that have a modified date older than the specified date.
        Specified by:
        deleteAllOlderThan in interface DataStore
        l - the minimum time
        the number of data records deleted