Interface BlobGCMBean

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface BlobGCMBean
    MBean for starting and monitoring the progress of blob garbage collection.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • startBlobGC

        CompositeData startBlobGC​(@Name("markOnly") @Description("Set to true to only mark references and not sweep in the mark and sweep operation. This mode is to be used when the underlying BlobStore is shared between multiple different repositories. For all other cases set it to false to perform full garbage collection")
                                  boolean markOnly)
        Initiate a data store garbage collection operation.
        markOnly - whether to only mark references and not sweep in the mark and sweep operation.
        the status of the operation right after it was initiated
      • startBlobGC

        CompositeData startBlobGC​(@Name("markOnly") @Description("Set to true to only mark references and not sweep in the mark and sweep operation. This mode is to be used when the underlying BlobStore is shared between multiple different repositories. For all other cases set it to false to perform full garbage collection")
                                  boolean markOnly,
                                  @Name("forceBlobIdRetrieve") @Description("Set to true to force retrieve all ids from the datastore bypassing any local tracking")
                                  boolean forceBlobIdRetrieve)
        Initiate a data store garbage collection operation.
        markOnly - whether to only mark references and not sweep in the mark and sweep operation.
        forceBlobIdRetrieve - whether to force retrieve blob ids from datastore
        the status of the operation right after it was initiated
      • getBlobGCStatus

        @NotNull CompositeData getBlobGCStatus()
        Data store garbage collection status
        the status of the ongoing operation or if none the terminal status of the last operation or Status not available if none.
      • getGlobalMarkStats

        TabularData getGlobalMarkStats()
        Show details of the data Store garbage collection process.
        List of available repositories and their status
      • getOperationStats

        TabularData getOperationStats()
        Show details of the data Store garbage collection invocations.
        Data about all the previous gc invocations
      • checkConsistency

        CompositeData checkConsistency()
        Data Store consistency check
        the missing blobs
      • getConsistencyCheckStatus

        @NotNull CompositeData getConsistencyCheckStatus()
        Consistency check status
        the status of the ongoing operation or if none the terminal status of the last operation or Status not available if none.