Class AsyncIndexInfo

  • public class AsyncIndexInfo
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • AsyncIndexInfo

        public AsyncIndexInfo​(String name,
                              long lastIndexedTo,
                              long leaseExpiryTime,
                              boolean running,
                              @Nullable IndexStatsMBean statsMBean)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getLastIndexedTo

        public long getLastIndexedTo()
        Time in millis upto which the repository state is indexed via this indexer
      • getLeaseExpiryTime

        public long getLeaseExpiryTime()
        Time in millis at which the current help lease would expire if indexing is in progress. If indexing is not in progress then its value would be -1
      • isRunning

        public boolean isRunning()
        Returns true if the async indexer is currently active
      • getStatsMBean

        public @Nullable IndexStatsMBean getStatsMBean()
        IndexStatsMBean for current indexer. The MBean would be returning valid values only for that cluster node where the async indexer is active. For other cluster nodes the values may not reflect the current state