Class LuceneIndex

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    QueryIndex, QueryIndex.AdvancedQueryIndex, QueryIndex.AdvanceFulltextQueryIndex, QueryIndex.FulltextQueryIndex, QueryIndex.NativeQueryIndex

    public class LuceneIndex
    extends Object
    implements QueryIndex.AdvanceFulltextQueryIndex
    Used to query old (compatVersion 1) Lucene indexes. Provides a QueryIndex that does lookups against a Lucene-based index

    To define a lucene index on a subtree you have to add an oak:index node. Under it follows the index definition node that:

    • must be of type oak:QueryIndexDefinition
    • must have the type property set to lucene
    • must have the async property set to async

    Optionally you can add

    • what subset of property types to be included in the index via the includePropertyTypes property
    • a blacklist of property names: what property to be excluded from the index via the excludePropertyNames property
    • the reindex flag which when set to true, triggers a full content re-index.
         NodeBuilder index = root.child("oak:index");
             .setProperty("jcr:primaryType", "oak:QueryIndexDefinition", Type.NAME)
             .setProperty("type", "lucene")
             .setProperty("async", "async")
             .setProperty("reindex", "true");
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getMinimumCost

        public double getMinimumCost()
        Description copied from interface: QueryIndex
        Returns the minimum cost which QueryIndex.getCost(Filter, NodeState) would return in the best possible case.

        The implementation should return a static/cached value because it is called very often.

        Specified by:
        getMinimumCost in interface QueryIndex
        the minimum cost for the index
      • getIndexName

        public String getIndexName()
        Description copied from interface: QueryIndex
        Get the generic index name (normally the index type).
        Specified by:
        getIndexName in interface QueryIndex
        the index name
      • getPlans

        public List<QueryIndex.IndexPlan> getPlans​(Filter filter,
                                                   List<QueryIndex.OrderEntry> sortOrder,
                                                   NodeState rootState)
        Description copied from interface: QueryIndex.AdvancedQueryIndex
        Return the possible index plans for the given filter and sort order. Please note this method is supposed to run quickly. That means it should usually not read any data from the storage.
        Specified by:
        getPlans in interface QueryIndex.AdvancedQueryIndex
        filter - the filter
        sortOrder - the sort order or null if no sorting is required
        rootState - root state of the current repository snapshot
        the list of index plans (null if none)
      • getCost

        public double getCost​(Filter filter,
                              NodeState root)
        Description copied from interface: QueryIndex
        Estimate the worst-case cost to query with the given filter. The returned cost is a value between 1 (very fast; lookup of a unique node) and the estimated number of entries to traverse, if the cursor would be fully read, and if there could in theory be one network roundtrip or disk read operation per node (this method may return a lower number if the data is known to be fully in memory).

        The returned value is supposed to be an estimate and doesn't have to be very accurate. Please note this method is called on each index whenever a query is run, so the method should be reasonably fast (not read any data itself, or at least not read too much data).

        If an index implementation can not query the data, it has to return Double.MAX_VALUE.

        Specified by:
        getCost in interface QueryIndex
        filter - the filter
        root - root state of the current repository snapshot
        the estimated cost in number of read nodes
      • getPlan

        public String getPlan​(Filter filter,
                              NodeState root)
        Description copied from interface: QueryIndex
        Get the query plan for the given filter. This method is called when running an EXPLAIN SELECT query, or for logging purposes. The result should be human readable.
        Specified by:
        getPlan in interface QueryIndex
        filter - the filter
        root - root state of the current repository snapshot
        the query plan
      • query

        public Cursor query​(Filter filter,
                            NodeState root)
        Description copied from interface: QueryIndex
        Query the index. The returned cursor is supposed to return as few nodes as possible, but may return more nodes than necessary.

        An implementation should only filter the result if it can do so easily and efficiently; the query engine will verify the data again (in memory) and check for access rights.

        The method is only called if this index is used for the given query and selector, which is only the case if the given index implementation returned the lowest cost for the given filter. If the implementation returned Double.MAX_VALUE in the getCost method for the given filter, then this method is not called. If it is still called, then it is supposed to throw an exception (as it would be an internal error of the query engine).

        Specified by:
        query in interface QueryIndex
        filter - the filter
        root - root state of the current repository snapshot
        a cursor to iterate over the result
      • query

        public Cursor query​(QueryIndex.IndexPlan plan,
                            NodeState rootState)
        Description copied from interface: QueryIndex.AdvancedQueryIndex
        Start a query. The filter and sort order of the index plan is to be used.

        The index plan is one of the plans that the index returned in the getPlans call.

        Specified by:
        query in interface QueryIndex.AdvancedQueryIndex
        plan - the index plan to use
        rootState - root state of the current repository snapshot
        a cursor to iterate over the result