Class HunspellWord

  • public class HunspellWord
    extends Object
    A dictionary (.dic) entry with its associated flags.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HunspellWord

        public HunspellWord()
        Creates a new HunspellWord with no associated flags
      • HunspellWord

        public HunspellWord​(char[] flags)
        Constructs a new HunspellWord with the given flags
        flags - Flags to associate with the word
    • Method Detail

      • hasFlag

        public boolean hasFlag​(char flag)
        Checks whether the word has the given flag associated with it
        flag - Flag to check whether it is associated with the word
        true if the flag is associated, false otherwise
      • getFlags

        public char[] getFlags()
        Returns the flags associated with the word
        Flags associated with the word