Class WeightedSpanTermExtractor

    • Constructor Detail

      • WeightedSpanTermExtractor

        public WeightedSpanTermExtractor()
      • WeightedSpanTermExtractor

        public WeightedSpanTermExtractor​(String defaultField)
    • Method Detail

      • getWeightedSpanTerms

        public Map<String,​WeightedSpanTerm> getWeightedSpanTerms​(Query query,
                                                                       TokenStream tokenStream)
                                                                throws IOException
        Creates a Map of WeightedSpanTerms from the given Query and TokenStream.

        query - that caused hit
        tokenStream - of text to be highlighted
        Map containing WeightedSpanTerms
        IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
      • getWeightedSpanTerms

        public Map<String,​WeightedSpanTerm> getWeightedSpanTerms​(Query query,
                                                                       TokenStream tokenStream,
                                                                       String fieldName)
                                                                throws IOException
        Creates a Map of WeightedSpanTerms from the given Query and TokenStream.

        query - that caused hit
        tokenStream - of text to be highlighted
        fieldName - restricts Term's used based on field name
        Map containing WeightedSpanTerms
        IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
      • getWeightedSpanTermsWithScores

        public Map<String,​WeightedSpanTerm> getWeightedSpanTermsWithScores​(Query query,
                                                                                 TokenStream tokenStream,
                                                                                 String fieldName,
                                                                                 IndexReader reader)
                                                                          throws IOException
        Creates a Map of WeightedSpanTerms from the given Query and TokenStream. Uses a supplied IndexReader to properly weight terms (for gradient highlighting).

        query - that caused hit
        tokenStream - of text to be highlighted
        fieldName - restricts Term's used based on field name
        reader - to use for scoring
        Map of WeightedSpanTerms with quasi tf/idf scores
        IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
      • getExpandMultiTermQuery

        public boolean getExpandMultiTermQuery()
      • setExpandMultiTermQuery

        public void setExpandMultiTermQuery​(boolean expandMultiTermQuery)
      • isCachedTokenStream

        public boolean isCachedTokenStream()
      • setWrapIfNotCachingTokenFilter

        public void setWrapIfNotCachingTokenFilter​(boolean wrap)
        By default, TokenStreams that are not of the type CachingTokenFilter are wrapped in a CachingTokenFilter to ensure an efficient reset - if you are already using a different caching TokenStream impl and you don't want it to be wrapped, set this to false.