Class HeadersFooters

  • public final class HeadersFooters
    extends Object
    Header / Footer settings. You can get these on slides, or across all notes
    • Constructor Detail

      • HeadersFooters

        public HeadersFooters​(HSLFSlideShow ppt,
                              short headerFooterType)
      • HeadersFooters

        public HeadersFooters​(HSLFSheet sheet,
                              short headerFooterType)
    • Method Detail

      • getHeaderText

        public String getHeaderText()
        Headers's text
        Headers's text
      • setHeaderText

        public void setHeaderText​(String text)
        Sets headers's text
        text - headers's text
      • getFooterText

        public String getFooterText()
        Footer's text
        Footer's text
      • setFootersText

        public void setFootersText​(String text)
        Sets footers's text
        text - footers's text
      • getDateTimeText

        public String getDateTimeText()
        This is the date that the user wants in the footers, instead of today's date.
        custom user date
      • setDateTimeText

        public void setDateTimeText​(String text)
        Sets custom user date to be displayed instead of today's date.
        text - custom user date
      • isFooterVisible

        public boolean isFooterVisible()
        whether the footer text is displayed.
      • setFooterVisible

        public void setFooterVisible​(boolean flag)
        whether the footer text is displayed.
      • isHeaderVisible

        public boolean isHeaderVisible()
        whether the header text is displayed.
      • setHeaderVisible

        public void setHeaderVisible​(boolean flag)
        whether the header text is displayed.
      • isDateTimeVisible

        public boolean isDateTimeVisible()
        whether the date is displayed in the footer.
      • setDateTimeVisible

        public void setDateTimeVisible​(boolean flag)
        whether the date is displayed in the footer.
      • isUserDateVisible

        public boolean isUserDateVisible()
        whether the custom user date is used instead of today's date.
      • setUserDateVisible

        public void setUserDateVisible​(boolean flag)
        whether the date is displayed in the footer.
      • isSlideNumberVisible

        public boolean isSlideNumberVisible()
        whether the slide number is displayed in the footer.
      • setSlideNumberVisible

        public void setSlideNumberVisible​(boolean flag)
        whether the slide number is displayed in the footer.
      • getDateTimeFormat

        public int getDateTimeFormat()
        An integer that specifies the format ID to be used to style the datetime.
        an integer that specifies the format ID to be used to style the datetime.
      • setDateTimeFormat

        public void setDateTimeFormat​(int formatId)
        An integer that specifies the format ID to be used to style the datetime.
        formatId - an integer that specifies the format ID to be used to style the datetime.
      • isPpt2007

        public boolean isPpt2007()
        true, if this is a ppt 2007 document and header/footer are stored as placeholder shapes