Class IndentProp

  • public class IndentProp
    extends Object
    Definition of the indent level of some text. Defines how many characters it applies to, and what indent level they share. This is defined by the slightly confusingly named MasterTextPropRun
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndentProp

        public IndentProp​(int charactersCovered,
                          short indentLevel)
        Generate the definition of a given text indent
    • Method Detail

      • getCharactersCovered

        public int getCharactersCovered()
        Fetch the number of characters this styling applies to
      • getIndentLevel

        public int getIndentLevel()
      • setIndentLevel

        public void setIndentLevel​(int indentLevel)
        Sets the indent level, which can be between 0 and 4
      • updateTextSize

        public void updateTextSize​(int textSize)
        Update the size of the text that this set of properties applies to