Class FormulaViewer

  • public class FormulaViewer
    extends Object
    FormulaViewer - finds formulas in a BIFF8 file and attempts to read them/display data from them. Only works if Formulas are enabled in "RecordFactory"
    • Constructor Detail

      • FormulaViewer

        public FormulaViewer()
        Creates new FormulaViewer
    • Method Detail

      • parseFormulaRecord

        public void parseFormulaRecord​(FormulaRecord record)
        Method parseFormulaRecord
        record - the record to be parsed
      • setFile

        public void setFile​(String file)
        Method setFile
        file - the file to process
      • setList

        public void setList​(boolean list)
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws IOException
        Method main pass me a filename and I'll try and parse the formulas from it
        args - pass one argument with the filename or --help
        IOException - if the file can't be read or contained errors