Class ExtSSTRecord

  • public final class ExtSSTRecord
    extends ContinuableRecord
    Title: Extended Static String Table (0x00FF)

    Description: This record is used for a quick lookup into the SST record. This record breaks the SST table into a set of buckets. The offsets to these buckets within the SST record are kept as well as the position relative to the start of the SST record.

    REFERENCE: PG 313 Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's Kit (ISBN: 1-57231-498-2)

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExtSSTRecord

        public ExtSSTRecord()
    • Method Detail

      • setNumStringsPerBucket

        public void setNumStringsPerBucket​(short numStrings)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from class: Record
        get a string representation of the record (for biffview/debugging)
        toString in class Record
      • getNumberOfInfoRecsForStrings

        public static int getNumberOfInfoRecsForStrings​(int numStrings)
      • getRecordSizeForStrings

        public static int getRecordSizeForStrings​(int numStrings)
        Given a number of strings (in the sst), returns the size of the extsst record
        numStrings - the number of strings
        the size of the extsst record
      • getSid

        public short getSid()
        Description copied from class: Record
        return the non static version of the id for this record.
        Specified by:
        getSid in class Record
        he id for this record
      • setBucketOffsets

        public void setBucketOffsets​(int[] bucketAbsoluteOffsets,
                                     int[] bucketRelativeOffsets)