Class SeriesToChartGroupRecord

  • public final class SeriesToChartGroupRecord
    extends StandardRecord
    Indicates the chart-group index for a series. The order probably defines the mapping. So the 0th record probably means the 0th series. The only field in this of course defines which chart group the 0th series (for instance) would map to. Confusing? Well thats because it is. (p 522 BCG)
    • Constructor Detail

      • SeriesToChartGroupRecord

        public SeriesToChartGroupRecord()
      • SeriesToChartGroupRecord

        public SeriesToChartGroupRecord​(RecordInputStream in)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from class: Record
        get a string representation of the record (for biffview/debugging)
        toString in class Record
      • getSid

        public short getSid()
        Description copied from class: Record
        return the non static version of the id for this record.
        Specified by:
        getSid in class Record
        he id for this record
      • getChartGroupIndex

        public short getChartGroupIndex()
        Get the chart group index field for the SeriesToChartGroup record.
      • setChartGroupIndex

        public void setChartGroupIndex​(short field_1_chartGroupIndex)
        Set the chart group index field for the SeriesToChartGroup record.