Class WorkbookUtil

  • public class WorkbookUtil
    extends Object
    Helper methods for when working with Usermodel Workbooks
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkbookUtil

        public WorkbookUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • createSafeSheetName

        public static String createSafeSheetName​(String nameProposal)
        Creates a valid sheet name, which is conform to the rules. In any case, the result safely can be used for Workbook.setSheetName(int, String).
        • never null
        • minimum length is 1
        • maximum length is 31
        • doesn't contain special chars: : 0x0000, 0x0003, / \ ? * ] [
        • Sheet names must not begin or end with ' (apostrophe)
        Invalid characters are replaced by one space character ' '.
        nameProposal - can be any string, will be truncated if necessary, allowed to be null
        a valid string, "empty" if to short, "null" if null
      • createSafeSheetName

        public static String createSafeSheetName​(String nameProposal,
                                                 char replaceChar)
        Creates a valid sheet name, which is conform to the rules. In any case, the result safely can be used for Workbook.setSheetName(int, String).
        • never null
        • minimum length is 1
        • maximum length is 31
        • doesn't contain special chars: : 0x0000, 0x0003, / \ ? * ] [
        • Sheet names must not begin or end with ' (apostrophe)
        nameProposal - can be any string, will be truncated if necessary, allowed to be null
        replaceChar - the char to replace invalid characters.
        a valid string, "empty" if to short, "null" if null
      • validateSheetName

        public static void validateSheetName​(String sheetName)
        Validates sheet name.

        The character count MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 31. The string MUST NOT contain the any of the following characters:

        • 0x0000
        • 0x0003
        • colon (:)
        • backslash (\)
        • asterisk (*)
        • question mark (?)
        • forward slash (/)
        • opening square bracket ([)
        • closing square bracket (])
        The string MUST NOT begin or end with the single quote (') character.

        sheetName - the name to validate
        IllegalArgumentException - if validation fails