Interface ClassLoaderWriter

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ClassLoaderWriter
    A class loader writer is a service allowing to dynamically generate classes and resources. It provides methods for writing, removing, and moving resources. In addition it provides a dynamic class loader which can be used to dynamically load generated classes. For example a class loader writer could write generated class files into the repository or the temporary file system.
    • Method Detail

      • getOutputStream

        OutputStream getOutputStream​(String path)
        Get the output stream for a class or resource handled by the underlying class loader. If the resource/class does not exists it should be created.
        path - The path of the class/resource. The path should be absolute like /com/my/domain/HelloWorld.class
        The output stream.
      • getInputStream

        InputStream getInputStream​(String path)
                            throws IOException
        Get the input stream for a class or resource handled by the underlying class loader.
        path - The path of the class/resource. The path should be absolute like /com/my/domain/HelloWorld.class
        The input stream for the resource/class.
        IOException - If the resource/class does not exist.
      • getLastModified

        long getLastModified​(String path)
        Return the last modified for the class or resource.
        path - The path of the class/resource. The path should be absolute like /com/my/domain/HelloWorld.class
        The last modified information or -1 if the information can't be detected.
      • delete

        boolean delete​(String path)
        Delete the class/resource
        path - The path of the class/resource. The path should be absolute like /com/my/domain/HelloWorld.class
        true if the resource exists and could be deleted, false otherwise.
      • rename

        boolean rename​(String oldPath,
                       String newPath)
        Rename a class/resource. The paths should be absolute like /com/my/domain/HelloWorld.class
        oldPath - The path of the class/resource.
        newPath - The new path.
        true if the renaming has been successful.
      • getClassLoader

        ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Get a dynamic class loader. The returned class loader can be used to load classes and resources generated through this class loader writer. The parent of this class loader is a class loader from the DynamicClassLoaderManager. The class loader returned by this method should not be cached, as it might get stale (e.g. used classes are removed etc.). Therefore each time a newly generated class is loaded, the class loader should be fetched again using this method. The implementation might cache the class loader and return the same loader on subsequent calls for as long as possible. Clients of the class loader can use the DynamicClassLoader.isLive() method to check if the fetched instance can still be used.
        A dynamic class loader implementing DynamicClassLoader