Class SchemaTypeVisitorImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SchemaTypeVisitorImpl
    extends Object
    implements TypeStoreVisitor
    This state machine validates element order based on a deterministic content model.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaTypeVisitorImpl

        public SchemaTypeVisitorImpl​(SchemaParticle part)
        Construct it by passing the root of the content model.
      • SchemaTypeVisitorImpl

        public SchemaTypeVisitorImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • expand

        public org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema.SchemaTypeVisitorImpl.VisitorState[] expand​(org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema.SchemaTypeVisitorImpl.VisitorState[] orig)
      • visit

        public boolean visit​(QName eltName)
        Traverses a deterministic content model, checking for validity at any given point. Call visit(null) once at the end if you're checking for complete validity of the sequence of elements. This is a wrapper for the actual visit implementation.
        Specified by:
        visit in interface TypeStoreVisitor
      • visit

        public boolean visit​(QName eltName,
                             boolean testValidity)
        The actual implementation that traverses a deterministic content model, checking for validity at any given point. When testValidity is false then this method will change states if the current state is valid When testValidity is true then this method will not change states and will return if a particular state is valid or invalid
      • testValid

        public boolean testValid​(QName eltName)
      • currentParticle

        public SchemaParticle currentParticle()
        Returns the current schema element
      • isAllValid

        public boolean isAllValid()
        Returns true if the entire content up to now is valid.