Class SecurityUtilities

  • public class SecurityUtilities
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityUtilities

        public SecurityUtilities()
    • Method Detail

      • getSystemProperty

        public static String getSystemProperty​(String name)
        Retrieves a system property within a privileged block. Use it only when the property is used from within Rhino code and is not passed out of it.
        name - the name of the system property
        the value of the system property
      • getScriptProtectionDomain

        public static ProtectionDomain getScriptProtectionDomain()
        Look up the top-most element in the current stack representing a script and return its protection domain. This relies on the system-wide SecurityManager being an instance of RhinoSecurityManager, otherwise it returns null.
        The protection of the top-most script in the current stack, or null