Interface AggregateHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AggregateHandler
    The AggregateHandler is used to determine if a node is an aggregate root or not. Aggregates are used to build replication content and to determine the set of replicated "documents". It is also used the prepare and process the set of aggregates during a replication.
    • Method Detail

      • isAggregateRoot

        boolean isAggregateRoot​(Node node)
        Checks if the given node is an aggregate root.
        node - node to test
        true if the node is an aggregate root
      • prepareForReplication

        List<String> prepareForReplication​(Session session,
                                           ReplicationActionType type,
                                           String path)
                                    throws ReplicationException
        Returns a list of aggregate roots of the subtree starting at the specified path that are relevant for the given replication action. The specified start path should be included in the list in any case.
        session - session to use for traversal
        type - replication action type
        path - start path
        a list of aggregate roots.
        ReplicationException - to abort the replication in the preparation stage
      • processForReplication

        void processForReplication​(Session session,
                                   ReplicationAction action)
                            throws ReplicationException
        Processes the aggregate addressed by the replication action. The aggregate handler may or may not save the changes.
        session - the session to use to process the content
        action - the replication action
        ReplicationException - to abort the replication in the preparation stage