Class StatusPrinter

  • public class StatusPrinter
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatusPrinter

        public StatusPrinter()
    • Method Detail

      • setPrintStream

        public static void setPrintStream​(PrintStream printStream)
      • printInCaseOfErrorsOrWarnings

        public static void printInCaseOfErrorsOrWarnings​(Context context)
        Print the contents of the context statuses, but only if they contain warnings or errors.
        context -
      • printInCaseOfErrorsOrWarnings

        public static void printInCaseOfErrorsOrWarnings​(Context context,
                                                         long threshold)
        Print the contents of the context status, but only if they contain warnings or errors occurring later then the threshold.
        context -
      • printIfErrorsOccured

        public static void printIfErrorsOccured​(Context context)
        Print the contents of the context statuses, but only if they contain errors.
        context -
      • print

        public static void print​(Context context)
        Print the contents of the context's status data.
        context -
      • print

        public static void print​(Context context,
                                 long threshold)
        Print context's status data with a timestamp higher than the threshold.
        context -
      • print

        public static void print​(StatusManager sm,
                                 long threshold)
      • print

        public static void print​(List<Status> statusList)