Interface MacSyncHelper

  • @ProviderType
    public interface MacSyncHelper
    Mac Sync Helper, provides utility methods
    • Method Detail

      • getCCUsers

        Map<String,​String> getCCUsers​(Resource currentResource)
        Get List of CC Users
        currentResource - current resource
        Map of CC users, email to full user name
      • canSync

        boolean canSync​(ResourceResolver resourceResolver,
                        String path)
        Returns whether the current user can sync a folder with MAC
        resourceResolver - user resource resolver
        path - the path of resource
        whether the current user can sync a folder with MAC
      • updateReplicationAgentProviderPid

        void updateReplicationAgentProviderPid​(SyncAgent macSyncAgent,
                                               ResourceResolver rr,
                                               MACTenantConfiguration macConfiguration,
                                               String pid)
        Each replication agent which uses OAuth server to server authentication should be bound to a specific access token provider. This method sets the access token provider pid as a property on the replication agent.
        macSyncAgent - the DAM Sync Agent
        rr - Resource resolver
        macConfiguration - mac configuration
        pid - The pid of the access token provider