Interface ViewConfiguration

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ViewConfiguration
    A view configuration applicable to workflow-users This is different from ViewPreferences, which are user specific view preferences
    • Method Detail

      • getCustomBrandingText

        String getCustomBrandingText()
        Returns the custom branding text of inbox
        The custom branding text
      • setCustomBrandingText

        void setCustomBrandingText​(@Nullable
                                   String text)
        Set the custom branding text.
        text - Custom Branding text
      • getCustomHelpUrl

        URL getCustomHelpUrl()
        Returns the url where a user should be directed to (from inbox) for help If not set, AEM's default help behavior will be in effect
        The custom help url
      • setCustomHelpUrl

        void setCustomHelpUrl​(@Nullable
                              URL url)
        Set the custom help link url
        url - The url where a user should be directed to (from inbox) for help
      • getCustomLogoPath

        String getCustomLogoPath()
        Return the JCR path of image to be used as the branding logo
        The logo path
      • setCustomLogoPath

        void setCustomLogoPath​(@Nullable
                               String path)
        Set the JCR path of image to be used as the branding logo
        path - If null, the default branding logo will be used
      • isEndUserConfigurationEnabled

        boolean isEndUserConfigurationEnabled()
        Returns if end user configuration is enabled by the inbox admin or not.
        true if end user configuration is enabled and false if not enabled.
      • setIsEndUserConfigurationEnabled

        void setIsEndUserConfigurationEnabled​(boolean isEndUserConfigurationEnabled)
        Set the isEndUserConfigurationEnabled property.
        isEndUserConfigurationEnabled - true or false