Class ProjectFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProjectFilter

        public ProjectFilter()
    • Method Detail

      • getActive

        public Boolean getActive()
        indicates if active projects are to be returned
        true when active projects are to be returned
      • setActive

        public void setActive​(Boolean active)
        indicate whether active or inactive projects are to be returned. by not providing a value both inactive and active projects will be returned
        active - set whether to return active or inactive projects
      • getProjectTemplates

        public List<String> getProjectTemplates()
        Indicates if projects list should be restricted to provided list of project templates
        List of project templates the list should be restricted to
      • setProjectTemplates

        public void setProjectTemplates​(List<String> projectTemplates)
        Defines the list of project templates the list should be restricted to
        projectTemplates - List of project templates the list should be restricted to, or null if it shouldn't be filtered