Interface Exporter

  • public interface Exporter
    An Exporter is used to export data from the repository (normally provided by ExtractExportDataProcess) to a specific location or 3rd-party service.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String SERVICE_NAME
      Service name under which Exporter services are to be registered (value is "com.adobe.cq.scheduled.exporter.Exporter").
      static String TYPE_PROPERTY
      The name of the service property defining the exporter type for the exporter (value is "exporter.type").
    • Field Detail


        static final String SERVICE_NAME
        Service name under which Exporter services are to be registered (value is "com.adobe.cq.scheduled.exporter.Exporter").
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String TYPE_PROPERTY
        The name of the service property defining the exporter type for the exporter (value is "exporter.type").

        This service property may be a single string value. The service is registered for all types provided by this property.

        If this service property is missing, empty or not one of the listed types, the service cannot be used and is therefore ignored.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • exportData

        void exportData​(Resource config,
                        Resource source)
                 throws ExportException
        This method is called to export data from the given source resource.
        config - Configuration resource of this exporter
        source - Resource holding the data to export. If the resource does not exist or is not accessible the source is of type NonExistingResource
        ExportException - may be thrown in case of problems accessing, transforming or actually exporting the data. If the failure is caused by an exception, this exception ( Throwable) should be made available as the cause of this exception.