Class CharUtil

  • public final class CharUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • CharUtil

        public CharUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • compose

        public static int compose​(int[] usvs,
                                  int start,
                                  int limit)
        Return the entry to lookup in a cmap for a combining sequence.
        usvs - contains the sequence
        start - the index of the first character
        limit - the index following the last character
        the entry to lookup, -1 if none
      • mapStringFrom

        public static int[] mapStringFrom​(int[] usvs,
                                          int start,
                                          int limit)
        Return the entries to populate in a cmap for a glyph that represents a given string. This method accounts for all canonical equivalences except CJK compatibility characters.
        usvs - contains the string
        start - the index in usvs of the first character
        limit - the index in usvs following the last character
        the cmap entries to populate; if none, an empty array
      • composeHangulSyllable

        public static int composeHangulSyllable​(int[] usvs,
                                                int start,
                                                int limit)
      • isBase

        public static boolean isBase​(int ch)
      • isCombining

        public static boolean isCombining​(int ch)
      • isControl

        public static boolean isControl​(int ch)