Class Base14

  • public final class Base14
    extends Object
    PDF Base 14 fonts.

    PDF documents can refer to fourteen Type 1 fonts with well-known names, without having to embed those fonts, yet achieve predictable results. PDF consumers are supposed to have access to actual fonts that can be used whenever a PDF document refers to one of those fonts. Collectively, those fonts are known as the Base 14 fonts.

    PDF consumers are given a little bit of freedom in choosing the actual fonts, but not much: the glyph complement, Type 1 encoding and the advance widths of the glyphs are imposed by the PDF specification.

    AFE supports the generation of PDF documents that refers to those 14 fonts in the following way: AFE exposes 14 Font objects, and guarantees that if layout is performed with one of those objects, then a PDF content stream generated using the usual method (but calling for the corresponding Base 14 font, rather than embedding it) will lead to the appropriate result.

    This guarantee is limited to the 14 Font objects exposed in this class. In particular, using the usual mechanism to load a font which happens to be named "Symbol" does not, by itself, guarantee compabitility with the Base 14 font "Symbol".

    The Font objects exposed by this package are suitable for CSS selection. That is, they can be added to CSS20FontSets, and selected by the usual CSS attributes. For each font, we indicate its CSS family name (the other characteristics are obvious).

    The Font objects exposed by this package behave as if they had a Unicode 'cmap', which is necessary for layout of text. The details of these cmaps can be found here .

    • Field Detail

      • courierRegular

        public static final Font courierRegular
        The Courier font, with CSS family name Courier.
      • courierBold

        public static final Font courierBold
        The Courier-Bold font, with CSS family name Courier.
      • courierOblique

        public static final Font courierOblique
        The Courier-Oblique font, with CSS family name Courier.
      • courierBoldOblique

        public static final Font courierBoldOblique
        The Courier-BoldOblique font, with CSS family name Courier.
      • helveticaRegular

        public static final Font helveticaRegular
        The Helvetica font, with CSS family name Helvetica.
      • helveticaBold

        public static final Font helveticaBold
        The Helvetica-Bold font, with CSS family name Helvetica.
      • helveticaOblique

        public static final Font helveticaOblique
        The Helvetica-Oblique font, with CSS family name Helvetica.
      • helveticaBoldOblique

        public static final Font helveticaBoldOblique
        The Helvetica-BoldOblique font, with CSS family name Helvetica.
      • timesRegular

        public static final Font timesRegular
        The Times-Roman font, with CSS family name Times.
      • timesBold

        public static final Font timesBold
        The Times-Bold font, with CSS family name Times.
      • timesItalic

        public static final Font timesItalic
        The Times-Italic font, with CSS family name Times.
      • timesBoldItalic

        public static final Font timesBoldItalic
        The Times-BoldItalic font, with CSS family name Times.
      • symbol

        public static final Font symbol
        The Symbol font, with CSS family name Symbol.
      • zapfDingbats

        public static final Font zapfDingbats
        The ZapfDingbats font, with CSS family name ZapfDingbats.
    • Method Detail

      • fromPSName

        public static Font fromPSName​(String name)
        Return the Base 14 font for name, or null if name is not the name of a Base 14 font.