Class OTSelector

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    OTSelectorAtLigatureLevel, OTSelectorEverywhere, OTSelectorOnElementAttribute

    public class OTSelector
    extends Object
    Determine if a feature can be applied at some positions. This is both the complete implementation for a selector that always return true (on a single position), returns true on multiple position if it returns true on each single position, and the base class for more complicated selectors.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OTSelector

        public OTSelector()
    • Method Detail

      • isApplied

        public boolean isApplied​(AttributedRun run,
                                 int position)
      • isApplied

        public boolean isApplied​(AttributedRun run,
                                 int from,
                                 int to)
      • isApplied

        public boolean isApplied​(AttributedRun run,
                                 int[] positions)