Interface Comment

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Comment

    A Comment represents an annotation created by a user (author) on a specific target (e.g. a page, asset or any node for that matter). The comments are contained within a CommentCollection (see getCollection(). The comment collection is specific to a target (see CommentCollection.getTarget().

    In its simplest form, a comment simply provides a comment text or "message" (see getMessage() and access to various meta data, such as creation date, who created it, etc.

    Comments support attachments, i.e. files that are stored as part of a comment, e.g. a preview image if the comment is used to annotate an image.

    • Method Detail

      • addAttachment

        Resource addAttachment​(String name,
                               InputStream inputStream,
                               String mimeType)
        Attach a file to this comment.
        name - The name of the file to attach.
        inputStream - The InputStream representing the contents of the file.
        mimeType - The mime-type of this file.
        The Resource representing the attachment just added.
        CommentException - Upon encountering an error during persistence of the attachment.
        IllegalArgumentException - if name or inputStream or mimeType is null or empty.
      • getAnnotationData

        String getAnnotationData()
        Returns the string representing annotation data that is part of this comment and pertains to the target of the associated comment collection.
        The string of the annotation data, or null if none is present.
      • getAttachment

        Resource getAttachment​(String name)
        Retrieve an attachment of this comment by its file name.
        name - The file name of the attachment.
        A Resource representing the attachment, or null if no attachment with the given name exists.
      • getAuthorName

        String getAuthorName()
        Returns the author's identifying name that represents the author of this comment. This may be a user ID, a regular name, depending on the implementation.
        The string representing the author name.
      • getAttachmentMap

        Map<String,​Resource> getAttachmentMap()
        Retrieves a map, an entry of which represents a file-name/attachment pair. The map contains all the attachments of the comment.
        A Map representing the available attachments, or an empty map if no attachments are present.
      • getCreated

        Calendar getCreated()
        The time stamp this comment was created.
        A Calendar representing creation time.
      • getLastModified

        Calendar getLastModified()
        Returns the moment in time this collection was last modified.
        The calendar representing the last modification.
      • getMessage

        String getMessage()
        Retrieves the message of this comment.
        A String representing the message.
      • getPath

        String getPath()
        Get the path of the resource representing this comment.
        A string representing the path.
      • getProperties

        ValueMap getProperties()
        Returns a ValueMap holding all properties of this comment.
        A ValueMap representing the properties.
      • removeAttachment

        void removeAttachment​(String name)
        Removes an attachment from this comment, as identified by its name.
        name - The name of the attachment to remove.
        CommentException - If an error occurs removing the attachment.
      • remove

        void remove()
        Removes (deletes) this comment from its collection. If the given comment has already been removed, nothing happens. After removal, the given comment object must be considered invalid/stale and must not be used anymore.
        CommentException - Upon encountering an error while removing.