Interface ImpersonationNotifier

  • public interface ImpersonationNotifier
    • Method Detail

      • notify

        void notify​(Date date,
                    String userId,
                    String action,
                    Map<String,​Object> props)
        Notify the implementation about an user impersonating another user or reverting the impersonation back.
        date - The date of the action.
        userId - The ID of the user being target of the request.
        action - The impersonation operation that was executed. The value may be either "sudo" or "revert" reflecting the two actions related to impersonation.
        props - The properties related to the operation. The map is empty if the action is "revert" and a single-valued map indicating who will be impersonated (key: "sudo", the value being the id of the user to impersonate as).