Class Condition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Condition
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable
    Used to specify conditions in a Filter for a TaskManagement query
    • Constructor Detail

      • Condition

        public Condition()
        Construct a new Condition instance with null property, comparisonOperator and comparisonValue fields.
    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyName

        public String getPropertyName()
        Get the name of the task property for this condition.
        the task property name.
      • setPropertyName

        public void setPropertyName​(String aPropertyName)
        Set the name of the task property for this condition. you may either set a taskProperty or a #setTaskProperty not both
        aPropertyName - the task property name.
      • getPropertyNames

        public String[] getPropertyNames()
        Gets the names of the task properties for this condition
        the task property names or null
      • getTaskProperty

        public TaskProperty getTaskProperty()
        gets the taskProperty set for this condition
        the taskProperty
      • setTaskProperty

        public void setTaskProperty​(TaskProperty taskProperty)
        sets a built-in task property for this condition. you may either set a taskProperty or a #setPropertyName not both
        taskProperty - the built in task property for this condition
      • getTaskProperties

        public TaskProperty[] getTaskProperties()
        Gets the task properties set for this condition.
        the task properties
      • getComparisonOperator

        public ComparisonOperator getComparisonOperator()
        Get the ComparisonOperator object for this condition.
        The ComparisonOperator for this condition or null if no ComparisonOperator has been set.
      • setComparisonOperator

        public void setComparisonOperator​(ComparisonOperator aComparisonOperator)
        Set the ComparisonOperator object for this condition
        aComparisonOperator - The ComparisonOperator object to set
      • getComparisonValue

        public Object getComparisonValue()
        Get the comparison value Object for this condition.
        The comparison value as an Object for this condition or null if no comparison value has been set.
      • setComparisonValue

        public void setComparisonValue​(Object aComparisonValue)
        Set the comparison value Object for this condition
        aComparisonValue - The comparison value Object to set