Interface TranslationScope

  • public interface TranslationScope
    The TranslationScope provides scope, word count, size, for a TranslationObject or collection of TranslationObjects
    • Method Detail

      • getWordCount

        int getWordCount()
        Gets a word count of the total number of words to be translated.
        the number of words
      • getImageCount

        int getImageCount()
        Gets the number of images.
        the number of images
      • getVideoCount

        int getVideoCount()
        Gets the number of videos.
        the number of videos
      • getFinalScope

        Map<String,​String> getFinalScope()
        Gets the final scope.
        There are no mandatory entries in the map and it can contain any custom key. The translation platform does not take any action based on these key/value pairs, unless the key starts with 'TranslationScope:'.
        If 'TranslationScope:CostEstimate' is present then it should contain the total cost estimate. Please specify currency as part of the value string.
        If 'TranslationScope:DetailsLink' is present then it should contain a link to the page which can provide the detailed scope. This link can either be local(/apps/some-resource.html) or external (http://some-url-with-scope-details). Ideally the link should not require any further authentication.
        A map containing the scope information

        ICE Match - 90.85%
        100% match - 4.04%
        100-95% match - 0%
        95-75% match - 0%
        75-0% match - 5.1%
        Repetition - 0%
        TranslationScope:CostEstimate - 63.96 USD
        TranslationScope:DetailsLink - http://some-url-with-scope-details