Class AttrBuilder

  • public class AttrBuilder
    extends Object
    A builder to generate HTML attributes. This builder is designed to be secured using XSSAPI. It will encode the value automatically. If the value is null, it will be ignored.
    • Method Detail

      • addRel

        public void addRel​(@CheckForNull
                           String value)
        Adds relationship. Currently it is implemented as class attribute.
        value - the relationship to add
      • addClass

        public void addClass​(@CheckForNull
                             String value)
        Adds class attribute with the given value.
        value - the class attribute to add
      • addHref

        public void addHref​(@CheckForNull
                            String name,
                            String value)
        Adds an attribute that behave like href attribute. i.e. the value will be prepended with context path (if absolute path) and checked using XSSAPI.getValidHref(String).
        name - the name of the attribute to add
        value - the value of the specified attribute
      • addDisabled

        public void addDisabled​(boolean disabled)
        Adds disabled attribute.
        disabled - the boolean value of the disabled attribute
      • addChecked

        public void addChecked​(boolean checked)
        Adds checked attribute.
        checked - the boolean value of the checked attribute
      • addSelected

        public void addSelected​(boolean selected)
        Adds selected attribute.
        selected - the boolean value of the selected attribute
      • addMultiple

        public void addMultiple​(boolean multiple)
        Adds multiple attribute.
        multiple - the boolean value of the multiple attribute
      • addBoolean

        public void addBoolean​(@CheckForNull
                               String name,
                               boolean value)
        Adds boolean attribute (behaves like disabled) for the given name. When the given value is true, it will be printed as "disabled=''", instead of "disabled='true'". When the given value is false, it will NOT be printed, instead of "disabled='false'".
        name - the name of the boolean attribute to add
        value - the boolean value of the attribute
      • addOther

        public void addOther​(@CheckForNull
                             String name,
                             String value)
        Adds the given name as data-* attribute.
        name - the name of the data-* attribute to add
        value - the value of the attribute
      • addOthers

        public void addOthers​(@Nonnull
                              Map<String,​Object> data,
                              String... exclusions)
        Adds the given data as data-* attributes. Entries with keys specified in exclusions parameter or having namespace (e.g. "jcr:primaryType") will be excluded.
        data - the map containing key/value pairs to add as data-* attributes
        exclusions - the keys which must not be added as data-* attributes
      • add

        public void add​(@CheckForNull
                        String name,
                        Boolean value)
        Adds attribute with the given name. The value will be added to existing attribute using space-delimited convention. e.g. class="class1 class2"
        name - the name of the attribute to add
        value - the boolean value of the attribute
      • add

        public void add​(@CheckForNull
                        String name,
                        Integer value)
        Adds attribute with the given name. The value will be added to existing attribute using space-delimited convention. e.g. class="class1 class2"
        name - the name of the attribute to add
        value - the integer value of the attribute
      • add

        public void add​(@CheckForNull
                        String name,
                        Double value)
        Adds attribute with the given name. The value will be added to existing attribute using space-delimited convention. e.g. class="class1 class2"
        name - the name of the attribute to add
        value - the double value of the attribute
      • add

        public void add​(@CheckForNull
                        String name,
                        String value)
        Adds attribute with the given name. The value will be added to existing attribute using space-delimited convention. e.g. class="class1 class2"
        name - the name of the attribute to add
        value - the string value of the attribute
      • set

        public void set​(@CheckForNull
                        String name,
                        String value)
        Sets attribute with the given name. Existing value previously set will be replaced by the given value.
        name - the name of the attribute to set or replace (if exists)
        value - the string value of the attribute
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if there is no attribute in this builder, false otherwise.
        true if there is no attribute in this builder, false otherwise
      • build

        public String build()
        Builds the attributes in the form of <attr-name>='<attr-value>'*.
        the string containing the built attributes
      • build

        public void build​(@Nonnull
                          Writer out)
                   throws IOException
        Builds the attributes in the form of <attr-name>='<attr-value>'**.
        out - the writer
        IOException - in case there's an error when appending to the writer