Class HtmlResponse

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HtmlResponse
    extends AbstractPostResponse
    The post response which produces HTML containing metadata, such as status code, title, so that the client can parse it.
    • Method Detail

      • onMoved

        public void onMoved​(String srcPath,
                            String dstPath)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPostResponse
        Records a 'moved' change.

        Note: the moved change only records the basic move command. the implied changes on the moved properties and sub nodes are not recorded.

        Specified by:
        onMoved in interface PostResponse
        onMoved in class AbstractPostResponse
        srcPath - source path of the node that was moved
        dstPath - destination path of the node that was moved.
      • onCopied

        public void onCopied​(String srcPath,
                             String dstPath)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPostResponse
        Records a 'copied' change.

        Note: the copy change only records the basic copy command. the implied changes on the copied properties and sub nodes are not recorded.

        Specified by:
        onCopied in interface PostResponse
        onCopied in class AbstractPostResponse
        srcPath - source path of the node that was copied
        dstPath - destination path of the node that was copied.
      • onChange

        public void onChange​(String type,
                             String... arguments)
        Description copied from interface: PostResponse
        Records a generic change of the given type with arguments.
        type - The type of the modification
        arguments - The arguments to the modifications
      • setGeneralError

        public void setGeneralError​(int code)
        Sets the general purpose error message using the given status code. The title and description will be set automatically.
        code - the status code
      • addRedirectLink

        public void addRedirectLink​(@Nonnull
                                    String href,
                                    String text)
        Adds a redirect link to indicate where the client should go after the post. Note that you SHOULD call this method once, otherwise would be a duplicate.
        href - the link
        text - the link text
      • addLink

        public void addLink​(@Nonnull
                            String rel,
                            String href,
                            String text)
        Adds a link to the response. It is for the server to give affordance to the client.
        rel - relationship attribute
        href - the link
        text - the link text