Interface WorkflowPurgeCallback

  • public interface WorkflowPurgeCallback
    Callback to be implemented by applications which wish to be notified whenever workflow instances are purged from the repository using one of the available purge tools (scheduled purge job or JMX console). This is useful, for example, in situations where some application-specific data associated with a workflow instance needs to be deleted along with the workflow instance itself. Applications that wish to be notified upon workflow instance purge need to provide an implementation of this interface and register it into the OSGI service registry. When the purge process runs, it will notify every registered implementation of this interface whenever it purges a workflow instance. The implementations can then perform whatever operations they need to perform for the given workflow instance (including ignoring the instance if it is not of interest).
    • Method Detail

      • onDelete

        void onDelete​(WorkflowSession session,
                      String workflowInstanceId,
                      String payload,
                      String modelId,
                      Workflow.State state)
               throws Exception
        Callback method invoked by the purge process whenever it purges a workflow instance. Implementations can ignore the given instance if it is not of interest to them, or perform any additional processing required for the instance.
        To ensure that the purge process completes safely, efficiently and atomically, the following guidelines should be followed by implementations of this callback:
        • The implementation should try to determine as efficiently as possible whether the given workflow instance is of interest, preferably by relying only on the supplied inputs and not executing any extra queries.
        • The implementation should try to re-use the supplied session as far as possible, to ensure that any repository updates it performs (e.g. deletion of extra data associated with the given workflow instance) are atomic with the deletion of the workflow instance itself.
        • The implementation is allowed to throw exceptions (which will be caught by the purge process and logged, but otherwise ignored), but should be careful not to modify the given session in a manner which prevents it from being committed later. This is to ensure that the main workflow instance purge and other registered callbacks are not affected by errors in a specific callback implementation.
        session - The workflow session being used by the purge process for deleting workflow instances.
        workflowInstanceId - The ID of the workflow instance being purged.
        payload - The payload associated with the workflow instance being purged.
        modelId - The ID of the workflow model associated with the workflow instance being purged.
        state - The state of the workflow instance being purged.
        Exception - If an error occurs within the callback. To ensure isolation, the purge process will catch this error and log it, but otherwise ignore it. Callback implementations should take care to fail fast by throwing errors early if they cannot complete their processing, instead of potentially dirtying the given session with changes which cannot be committed later on.