Interface WorkflowTransition

    • Method Detail

      • setFrom

        void setFrom​(WorkflowNode from)
        Sets the WorkflowNode that is the source of this WorkflowTransition.
        from - The WorkflowNode that is the source of this WorkflowTransition.
      • setTo

        void setTo​(WorkflowNode to)
        Sets the WorkflowNode that is the target of this WorkflowTransition.
        to - The WorkflowNode that is the target of this WorkflowTransition.
      • getRule

        String getRule()
        Returns the rule that defines if this WorkflowTransition can be followed or not.
        The execution rule of the WorkflowTransition.
      • setRule

        void setRule​(String rule)
        Sets the rules that defines if this WorkflowTransition can be followed or not.
        rule - The execution rule of the WorkflowTransition.