Class TagSearchingOutputStream

    • Method Detail

      • searchForTag

        public boolean searchForTag​(boolean search)
                             throws IOException
        Turn on or off the tag searching. This must not be called during the TagSearchingOutputStream.Callback.tagFound(TagSearchingOutputStream). If tag searching should be turned off after the return from the callback then the client can use the return value from the callback method to turn searching off.
        search - true if tag should be searched for; false otherwise
        the tag search state before the call
      • searchForTag

        public boolean searchForTag()
                             throws IOException
        Query whether the tag searching is turned on or off.
        the current tag search state true if tag searching is on; false otherwise
      • outputTag

        public int outputTag​(int tagOutput)
                      throws IOException
        Sets whether the tag being searched for is output or not and if so if it is before or after the call to TagSearchingOutputStream.Callback.tagFound(TagSearchingOutputStream). By default the tag being searched for will not be output.
        tagOutput - 0 if tag should not be output; -1 (or any -ve number) if the tag should be output before the callback; 1 (or any +ve number) if the tag should be output after the callback
        the tag output state before the call
      • outputTag

        public int outputTag()
                      throws IOException
        Queries whether the tag being searched for is output or not and if so if it is before or after the call to TagSearchingOutputStream.Callback.tagFound(TagSearchingOutputStream). By default the tag being searched for will not be output. -1 (or any -ve number) if the tag should be output before the callback; 1 (or any +ve number) if thte tag should be output after the callback
        the current tag output state 0 if tag should not be output; -1 (or any -ve number) if the tag should be output before the callback; 1 (or any +ve number) if the tag should be output after the callback