Class InputByteStreamImpl

    • Method Detail

      • slice

        public abstract InputByteStream slice​(long begin,
                                              long length)
                                       throws IOException
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Create a new InputByteStream that that provides another view on the underlying data. This new InputByteStream is completely independent and can be read from and positioned without affecting the original or any other slice InputByteStream objects. The initial position of the slice is at zero - the beginning of the slice.
        Specified by:
        slice in interface InputByteStream
        begin - Offset within the current InputByteStream to start the slice.
        length - The length of the slice.
        A slice of the original InputByteStream.
      • slice

        public InputByteStream slice()
                              throws IOException
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Create a new InputByteStream that that provides another view on the underlying data. This new InputByteStream is completely independent and can be read from and positioned without affecting the original or any other slice InputByteStream objects. The initial position of the slice is at zero - the beginning of the slice. The slice has the same bounds as the original InputByteStream. One common but probably incorrect usage of this method is to create a temporary "view" on the data that is used briefly within a method and then discarded. This is pretty wasteful and creates a number of small objects. In that case it would be better to find the current position using getPosition() and store it locally in the method and then restore the position with setPosition() before returning from the method.
        Specified by:
        slice in interface InputByteStream
        A slice of the original InputByteStream.
      • read

        public abstract int read()
                          throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Read the byte at the current position. If the current position is at or beyond the end of the underlying data return a -1. If not beyond the end of the underlying data the current position is incremented by 1.
        Specified by:
        read in interface InputByteStream
        The byte at the current position or -1 if at or beyond EOF.
      • read

        public abstract int read​(byte[] bytes,
                                 int position,
                                 int length)
                          throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Read an array of bytes starting at the current position. The position is incremented by the length of the array that has been read.
        Specified by:
        read in interface InputByteStream
        bytes - The destination array.
        position - The offset in the byte array to put the first byte read.
        length - The number of bytes to read.
      • read

        public int read​(byte[] bytes)
                 throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Read an array of bytes starting at the current position. The position is incremented by the length of the array that has been read.
        Specified by:
        read in interface InputByteStream
        bytes - The destination array.
      • unget

        public int unget()
                  throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. "Unget" the byte from underlying data. This essentially returns the byte just before the current position and sets the current position to point at that byte (one before the current position).
        Specified by:
        unget in interface InputByteStream
      • seek

        public abstract InputByteStream seek​(long position)
                                      throws IOException
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Set the current position in the underlying data. This position is pegged to be no less than zero and no greater than the length of the InputByteStream.
        Specified by:
        seek in interface InputByteStream
        position - Where to set the current position.
        This object.
      • getPosition

        public abstract long getPosition()
                                  throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Get the current position.
        Specified by:
        getPosition in interface InputByteStream
        The current position.
      • length

        public abstract long length()
                             throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. The maximum number of bytes that can be read from this InputByteStream.
        Specified by:
        length in interface InputByteStream
        Total number of bytes available in this InputByteStream.
      • bytesAvailable

        public long bytesAvailable()
                            throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. The number of bytes available to be read from the current position.
        Specified by:
        bytesAvailable in interface InputByteStream
        Number of bytes available from the current position in this InputByteStream.
      • eof

        public boolean eof()
                    throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice. Is the current position of this InputByteStream at or beyond the end of the underlying data.
        Specified by:
        eof in interface InputByteStream
        True if the current position is beyond the end of the underlying data, false otherwise.
      • close

        public abstract void close()
                            throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Closes this InputByteStream and releases any system resources associated with the stream. After this method is called then any further calls to this instance are errors.
        Specified by:
        close in interface InputByteStream
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Only for internal engineering use. This api can change without notice.
        toString in class Object
      • toInputStream

        public InputStream toInputStream()
                                  throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: InputByteStream
        Create an InputStream that represents the same data as this InputByteStream. The new InputStream is independent of the InputByteStream and operations on one will not affect the other including closing of either stream.
        Specified by:
        toInputStream in interface InputByteStream
        an InputStream that refers to the same underlying data