Package com.adobe.xfa

Class HostPseudoModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class HostPseudoModel
    extends PseudoModel
    This is the base class for the host pseudo model ($host). Each execution environment (server and client) needs to provide an implementation appropriate for their context.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HostPseudoModel

        public HostPseudoModel()
        Instantiates a HostPseudoModel.
    • Method Detail

      • getAppType

        public String getAppType()
        Returns the name of the client application in which this application is currently running. For example, in the context of a PDF form viewed in Adobe Reader, this property returns "Reader".

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.appType scripting property is to be supported.

        the name of the client application in which this application is currently running.
      • getCurrentPage

        public int getCurrentPage()
        Gets the currently active page of a document at run time. Page values are 0-based, so the first page of a document returns a value of 0.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.currentPage scripting property is to be supported.

        the currently active page as a 0-based number
      • setCurrentPage

        public void setCurrentPage​(int nPage)
        Sets the currently active page of a document at run time.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.currentPage scripting property is to be supported.

        nPage - the 0-based page number to make active
      • getCurrentDateTime

        public String getCurrentDateTime()
        Returns the current local time expressed as an ISO 8601 string using the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.

        This class provides a default implementation for the $host.currentDateTime() scripting method, and derived classes do not normally need to override this implementation.

        the current local time, expressed as an ISO 8601 string
      • getDocumentInBatch

        public int getDocumentInBatch()
        Returns the ordinal number of the current document within the batch. Hosts which do not support batching will always return 0. The default implementation always returns 0.

        Derived classes can override this method to change the behavior of the $host.documentInBatch() scripting method.

        the ordinal number of the current document within the batch
      • getDocumentCountInBatch

        public int getDocumentCountInBatch()
        Returns the number of documents in the current batch. Hosts which do not support batching will always return 1. The default implementation always returns 1.

        Derived classes can override this method to change the behavior of the $host.documentCountInBatch() scripting method.

        the number of documents in the current batch
      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
        Gets the language of the running host application.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.language scripting property is to be supported.

        the language of the running host application
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name of the running host application.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $ scripting property is to be supported.

        the name of the running host application
      • getNumPages

        public int getNumPages()
        Gets the number of pages in the current document.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.numPages scripting property is to be supported.

        the number of pages in the current document
      • getPlatform

        public String getPlatform()
        Gets the platform of the machine running the script.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.platform scripting property is to be supported.

        the platform of the machine running the script
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Gets the title of the document.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.title scripting property is to be supported.

        the title of the document
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String sTitle)
        Sets the title of the document.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.title scripting property is to be supported.

        sTitle - the title of the document
      • getVariation

        public String getVariation()
        Gets the packaging of the application that is running the script.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.variation scripting property is to be supported.

        the packaging of the application that is running the script
      • getVersion

        public String getVersion()
        Gets the version number of the current application.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.version scripting property is to be supported.

        the version number of the current application
      • getCalculationsEnabled

        public boolean getCalculationsEnabled()
        Determines whether calculate scripts will execute.

        The default implementation always returns true. This method must be overridden in derived classes if setCalculationsEnabled(boolean) is overridden.

        true if calculate scripts are enabled.
      • setCalculationsEnabled

        public void setCalculationsEnabled​(boolean bEnabled)
        Determines whether calculate scripts will execute.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.calculationsEnabled scripting property is to be supported.

        bEnabled - true if calculation scripts are enabled
      • getValidationsEnabled

        public boolean getValidationsEnabled()
        Determines whether validations will execute.

        The default implementation always returns true. This method must be overridden in derived classes if setValidationsEnabled(boolean) is overridden.

        true if validations are enabled.
      • setValidationsEnabled

        public void setValidationsEnabled​(boolean bEnabled)
        Determines whether validations will execute.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.calculationsEnabled scripting property is to be supported.

        bEnabled - true if validations are enabled
      • beep

        public void beep​(int nBeep)
        Causes the system to play a sound. An implementation for a non-client application may do nothing.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.beep() scripting function is to be supported.

        nBeep - a system code for the appropriate sound
      • exportData

        public void exportData​(String sFilename,
                               boolean bXDP)
        Exports the data from the current form in either XDP or XML format to a file.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.exportData() scripting function is to be supported.

        sFilename - the location and file name of the file where the data will export. In a client application, omitting this parameter causes a dialog box to open to let the user select the file manually.
        bXDP - if true, the data is exported in XDP format; if false, the data is exported as plain XML data.
      • importData

        public void importData​(String sFilename)
        Imports data to the current form from a specified file.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.importData() scripting function is to be supported.

        sFilename - the location and name of the file from which the data will be imported. In a client application, if this parameter is an empty string, a dialog box opens to let the user select the file manually.
        See Also:
      • gotoURL

        public void gotoURL​(String sURL,
                            boolean bNewInstance)
        Retrieves the specified URL. It is available only for client applications.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.gotoURL() scripting function is to be supported.

        sURL - a string representing a fully qualified or relative URL. The URL may contain a query string.
        bNewInstance - if true, the resulting pages are appended to the current document.
      • messageBox

        public int messageBox​(String sMessage,
                              String sTitle,
                              int nIcon,
                              int nType)
        Displays a dialog box on the screen. It is available only for client applications.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.messageBox() scripting function is to be supported.

        sMessage - the message to display
        sTitle - the title to appear in the title bar of the dialog window
        nIcon - the icon to display in the dialog box
        nType - the buttons to display
        a value representing the button pressed by the user
      • resetData

        public void resetData​(List<String> oNodes)
        Resets the fields to their default values within the document.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.resetData() scripting function is to be supported.

        oNodes - a comma-delimited list of SOM expressions of the fields to reset to their default values. If empty, all fields in the form are reset to their default values.
        See Also:
      • print

        public void print​(boolean bUI,
                          int nStart,
                          int nEnd,
                          boolean bSilent,
                          boolean bShrinkToFit,
                          boolean bPrintAsImage,
                          boolean bReverse,
                          boolean bAnnotation)
        Prints a specific number of pages from a document. This method is only available for client applications.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.print() scripting function is to be supported.

        bUI - if true, displays a print dialog box and prompts the user for printing setup information and confirmation of the action
        nStart - the 0-based page number of the start page to print
        nEnd - the 0-based page number of the end page to print
        bSilent - if true, does not display the cancel dialog during the printing process
        bShrinkToFit - if true, shrinks the page (if necessary) to fit within the imageable area of the printed page
        bPrintAsImage - if true, prints each page as an image
        bReverse - if true, prints the pages in reverse order
        bAnnotation - if true, prints all annotations
      • response

        public String response​(String sQuestion,
                               String sTitle,
                               String sDefault,
                               boolean bPassword)
        Displays a dialog box containing a question and an entry field for the user to reply to the question. This method is only available for client applications.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.response() scripting function is to be supported.

        sQuestion - a string representing a question for the user
        sTitle - a string representing the title that appears in the title bar of the dialog box
        sDefault - a string representing the default vlaue for the answer to the question
        bPassword - if true, masks the user's password with asterisks
        a string representing the user's answer. If the user presses the cancel button on the dialog box, the answer is null
      • getFocus

        public Obj getFocus()
        Returns the form object that currently has the input focus. The method is only available for client applications.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.getFocus() scripting function is to be supported.

        the form object that currently has the input focus, or null if no form object has the input focus
      • setFocus

        public void setFocus​(String sSOMExpr)
        Sets the focus to the form object specified by the reference syntax expression. This method is only available for client applications. When sSOMExpr is null or empty, setFocus performs a clear focus operation.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.setFocus() scripting function is to be supported.

        sSOMExpr - a fully qualified reference syntax expression for the form object
      • setFocus

        public void setFocus​(Node node)
        Sets the focus to the form object specified by the parameter This method is only available for client applications. When node is null or empty, setFocus performs a clear focus operation.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.setFocus() scripting function is to be supported.

        node - the form node to set focus to
      • pageDown

        public void pageDown()
        Moves to the next page of a form.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.pageDown() scripting function is to be supported.

      • pageUp

        public void pageUp()
        Moves to the next previous of a form.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.pageUp() scripting function is to be supported.

      • openList

        public void openList​(String sSOMExpr)
        Opens the drop-down list specified by the reference syntax expression. This method is only available for client applications.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.openList() scripting function is to be supported.

        sSOMExpr - a fully qualified reference syntax expression that specifies a drop-down list
      • openList

        public void openList​(Node node)
        Opens the drop-down list specified by the parameter This method is only available for client applications.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.openList() scripting function is to be supported.

        node - the drop-down list form object to open
      • metaData

        public String metaData​(int nOutputType)
      • importDataPermsCheck

        public boolean importDataPermsCheck()
        This method is called before any attempt to call the $host.importData() scripting method. The implementation should check the that all DataModel nodes (excluding any data description nodes) are not locked.

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.importData() scripting function is to be supported.

        true if the call to the importData() scripting method should be allowed to proceed.
        See Also:
      • resetDataPermsCheck

        public boolean resetDataPermsCheck​(List<String> nodes)
        This method is called before any attempt to call the $host.resetData() scripting method. If nodes is empty, all nodes in FormModel derived from Container (as well as FormModel) should be checked to ensure that neither they nor any of their children have an ancestor that is locked. If nodes is not empty, the same test is applied to the nodes identified by the fully qualified reference expressions in nodes

        This method must be overridden in derived classes if the $host.resetData() scripting function is to be supported.

        nodes - a list of fully qualified reference expressions of nodes to check
        true if the call to the resetData() scripting method should be allowed to proceed.
        See Also: