Package com.adobe.xfa

Class Int

  • public final class Int
    extends Attribute
    An XFAAttribute object which holds an integer value. This class may be used to ruct an XFAProperty object which in turn may be used in calls to XFAPropety.setProperty() and XFAProperty.getProperty()
    Example: ("Int i = node.getProperty(...)")
    • Constructor Detail

      • Int

        public Int​(String qName,
                   int value)
        Construct an instance from an int.
        qName - the qualified name for this attribute
        value - the int value of the attribute
      • Int

        public Int​(String qName,
                   int value,
                   boolean internSymbols)
        Construct an instance from an int, and specify whether symbols need to be interned.
        qName - the qualified name for this attribute
        value - the int value of the attribute
        internSymbols - indicates whether the symbols in other parameters need to be interned.
      • Int

        public Int​(String qName,
                   String value)
        Construct an instance from the string value
        qName - the qualified name for this attribute
        value - the string value of the attribute
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public int getValue()
        Get the attribute value.
        the attribute value as integer
      • newAttribute

        public Attribute newAttribute​(String NS,
                                      String localName,
                                      String qName,
                                      String value)
        Description copied from class: Attribute
        Create a new attribute, given all attribute parameters
        Specified by:
        newAttribute in class Attribute
        NS - the namespace for this attribute
        localName - the local name for this attribute
        qName - the qualified name for this attribute
        value - the string to use to create the new attribute
        a new attribute
      • newAttribute

        public Attribute newAttribute​(String NS,
                                      String localName,
                                      String qName,
                                      String value,
                                      boolean internSymbols)
        Description copied from class: Attribute
        Create a new attribute, given all attribute parameters
        Specified by:
        newAttribute in class Attribute
        NS - the namespace for this attribute
        localName - the local name for this attribute
        qName - the qualified name for this attribute
        value - the string to use to create the new attribute
        internSymbols - indicates whether the symbols in other parameters need to be interned.
        a new attribute
      • toInt

        public int toInt()
        Cast this object to an integer
        the internal integer value.