Package com.adobe.xfa

Class Measurement

  • public final class Measurement
    extends Attribute
    Measurement class. Used for all attributes that are expressed as an ordinate, such as X, Y, H, W, MinX.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Measurement

        public Measurement​(String qName,
                           String value)
        Fully qualified constructor.
        qName -
        value -
      • Measurement

        public Measurement​(Attribute attr)
        Create a Measurement from an attribute.
        attr - the attribute to create the measurement from.
      • Measurement

        public Measurement​(UnitSpan unit)
        Create an Measurement from a UnitSpan.
        unit - the UnitSpan to create the measurement from.
    • Method Detail

      • getUnits

        public int getUnits()
        Get the internal value as an enum. The returned enum can be used to get a string representation of the units.
        The enumerated units value (EnumAttr.XFAUnitEnum)
      • getUnitSpan

        public UnitSpan getUnitSpan()
        Get the internal value as a UnitSpan
        the internal value as UnitSpan
      • getValue

        public double getValue()
        Get the internal value as a double
        the internal value as a double
      • getValueAsUnit

        public double getValueAsUnit​(int units)
        Get the internal value converted to specific units defined in XFAUnitEnum
        units - the units the value will be converted to (EnumAttr.XFAUnitEnum)
        the internal value converted to the given units
      • getValueAsUnit

        public static double getValueAsUnit​(UnitSpan oSpan,
                                            int units)
        Get the value of the provided UnitSpan, converted to specific units defined in XFAUnitEnum. This is a static function.
        oSpan - - the UnitSpan whose value should be converted
        units - - the units the value will be converted to (XFAEnum::XFAUnitEnum)
        the internal value converted to the given units
      • newAttribute

        public Attribute newAttribute​(String value)
        Description copied from class: Attribute
        Create a new attribute, given a new value
        Specified by:
        newAttribute in class Attribute
        value - the string to use to create the new attribute
        a new attribute
      • newAttribute

        public Attribute newAttribute​(String NS,
                                      String localName,
                                      String qName,
                                      String value)
        Description copied from class: Attribute
        Create a new attribute, given all attribute parameters
        Specified by:
        newAttribute in class Attribute
        NS - the namespace for this attribute
        localName - the local name for this attribute
        qName - the qualified name for this attribute
        value - the string to use to create the new attribute
        a new attribute
      • newAttribute

        public Attribute newAttribute​(String NS,
                                      String localName,
                                      String qName,
                                      String value,
                                      boolean internSymbols)
        Description copied from class: Attribute
        Create a new attribute, given all attribute parameters
        Specified by:
        newAttribute in class Attribute
        NS - the namespace for this attribute
        localName - the local name for this attribute
        qName - the qualified name for this attribute
        value - the string to use to create the new attribute
        internSymbols - indicates whether the symbols in other parameters need to be interned.
        a new attribute
      • normalize

        public void normalize()
        Description copied from class: Attribute
        Normalizes this attribute. This base class implementation simply does nothing, other than allow derived classes the opportunity to do something.
        normalize in class Attribute