Package com.adobe.xfa

Interface Node.ChangeLogger

    • Method Detail

      • logPropChange

        void logPropChange​(Node oContainer,
                           String sPropName,
                           String sPropValue,
                           Object oUserData)
        Logs an encountered property change.
        oContainer - the node a change was found on.
        sPropName - the changed property name.
        sPropValue - the new property value.
        oUserData - an optional application-supplied object managed by the ChangeLogger.
      • logValueChange

        void logValueChange​(Node oContainer,
                            String sPropValue,
                            Object oUserData)
        Logs an encountered value change.
        oContainer - the node a change was found on.
        sPropValue - the changed property value.
        oUserData - an optional application-supplied object managed by the ChangeLogger.
      • logChildChange

        void logChildChange​(Node oContainer,
                            Node oChild,
                            Object oUserData)
        Logs an encountered child change.
        oContainer - the node a change was found on.
        oChild - the changed child node.
        oUserData - an optional application-supplied object managed by the ChangeLogger.
      • logDataChange

        void logDataChange​(Node oCurrent,
                           Node oRollback,
                           boolean bCurrentModelled,
                           boolean bRollbackModelled,
                           String sPropValue,
                           Object oUserData)
        Logs an encountered data change.
        oCurrent - the node a change was found on.
        oRollback - the corresponding rollback node.
        bCurrentModelled - whether the changed value was modelled.
        bRollbackModelled - whether the rollback value was modelled.
        sPropValue - the changed value.
        oUserData - an optional application-supplied object managed by the ChangeLogger.