Interface ScriptHost

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ScriptHost
    Class ScriptHost defines the interface by which the CalcParser (FormCalc scripting engine) can access a script host whenever it needs to resolve scripting object model (SOM) references.

    FormCalc applications need to inform the FormCalc script engine that they are capable of supporting the ScriptHost interface by invoking the CalcParser.setScriptHost(ScriptHost oScriptHost) method.

    • Method Detail

      • getItem

        Obj getItem​(String sItem,
                    Obj[] oObj)
        Abstract method to get the handle of a SOM object.

        A SOM reference provides access to objects, object properties and methods, as well as access to the values of objects, properties and methods. A SOM reference may be qualified, as in, for example, Field2.Color[2].Value, Field3[-1] -- some of which may be relative to the current object. A SOM reference may also contain any number of object literals of the form #N where N is a non-negative number corresponding to the 0-based index of an array of ObjImpl *. As an example of SOM references with object literals consider: #0.Parent, and #0.SetColor(#1.Border[1].Value)

        The return object is an object handle -- an ObjImpl *. If the given SOM reference refers to several SOM objects, this method should throw an exception.

        sItem - a given SOM reference.
        oObj - an array of objects. If non-null, this is array whose size corresponds to the maximal object literal occurence in the given SOM reference.
        a returned object upon success.
      • getItemValue

        CalcSymbol[] getItemValue​(String sItem,
                                  Obj[] oObj)
        Virtual method to get the value(s) of a SOM reference.

        A SOM reference provides access to objects, object properties and methods, as well as access to the values of objects, properties and methods. A SOM reference may be qualified, as in, for example, Field2.Color[2].Value, Field3[-1] -- some of which may be relative to the current object. A SOM reference may also contain any number of object literals of the form #N where N is a non-negative number corresponding to the 0-based index of an array of Obj. As an example of SOM references with object literals consider: #0.Parent, and #0.SetColor(#1.Border[1].Value)

        The return values are objects of type CalcSymbol which are no more than typed-values.
        References to:

        • null-valued objects should be returned as CalcSymbols of type TypeNull.
        • string-valued objects should be returned as CalcSymbols of type TypeString.
        • numeric-valued objects should be preferably returned as string-valued CalcSymbols of type TypeString to avoid loss of precision, although it is possible for them to be returned as numeric-valued CalcSymbols of type TypeDouble.
        • errors should be returned as error-valued CalcSymbols of type TypeError.

        To illustrate all the above, here's a degenerate implementation that, irrespective of the SOM reference given, always returns a single value of type error, accompanied with an "unknown accessor" message text.

         import com.adobe.xfa.formcalc.ScriptHost;
         import com.adobe.xfa.formcalc.CalcSymbol;
         import com.adobe.xfa.Obj;
         import com.adobe.xfa.ut.MsgFormat;
         import com.adobe.xfa.ut.ResId;
         class FormCalcUser implements ScriptHost {
             CalcSymbol[] getItemValue(String sItem, Obj[] oObj) {
                 MsgFormat sFmt = new MsgFormat(ResId.FC_ERR_ACCESSOR);
                 CalcSymbol[] oRetValues = new CalcSymbol[1];
                 oRetValues[0] = new CalcSymbol(sFmt, true);
                 return oRetValues;
        sItem - a SOM reference.
        oObj - an array of objects. If non-null, this is an array whose size corresponds to the maximal object literal occurence in the given SOM reference.
        the resulting array of values upon success.
      • putItem

        int putItem​(Obj[] oObj,
                    CalcSymbol oValue)
        Virtual method to set the value of an SOM reference.

        The given value is an object of type CalcSymbol which again, is no more than a typed-value. Only CalcSymbols of one of these types will ever be involved:

        • null-valued objects of type CalcTypeNull,
        • string-valued objects of type CalcTypeString, and possibly,
        • string-valued objects of type CalcTypeVariable.
        For the latter two types, use the CalcSymbol.getStringValue() method to get the CalcSymbols's value.
        oObj - an array of objects. If non-null, this is an array whose size corresponds to the maximal object literal occurence in the given SOM reference.
        oValue - the given object value.
        0 upon success.
      • putItemValue

        int putItemValue​(String sItem,
                         Obj[] oObj,
                         CalcSymbol oValue)
        Virtual method to set the value of a SOM reference.

        A SOM reference provides access to objects, object properties and methods, as well as access to the values of objects, properties and methods. A SOM reference may be qualified, as in, for example, Field2.Color[2].Value, Field3[-1] -- some of which may be relative to the current object. A SOM reference may also contain any number of object literals of the form #N where N is a non-negative number corresponding to the 0-based index of an array of ObjImpl *. As an example of SOM references with object literals consider: #0.Parent, and #0.SetColor(#1.Border[1].Value)

        The given SOM reference may refer to more than one scripting object, in which case this methods sets the value of several SOM objects.

        The given value is an object of type CalcSymbol which again, is no more than a typed-value. Only CalcSymbols of one of these types will ever be involved:

        • null-valued objects of type CalcTypeNull,
        • string-valued objects of type CalcTypeString, and possibly,
        • string-valued objects of type CalcTypeVariable.
        For the latter two types, use the CalcSymbol.getStringValue() method to get the CalcSymbols's value. To illustrate all the above, here's a degenerate implementation that, stores the given object into a hash table indexed by the given SOM reference.
         import com.adobe.xfa.formcalc.ScriptHost;
         import com.adobe.xfa.formcalc.CalcSymbol;
         import com.adobe.xfa.ut.Obj;
         import java.util.HashMap;
         class FormCalcUser implements ScriptHost {
             HashMap moMap;
             int PutItemValue(String sItem, Obj[] oObj, CalcSymbol oValue) {
                 moMap.put(sItem, oValue);
                 return 0;
        sItem - the given SOM reference.
        oObj - an array of objects. If non-null, this is an array whose size corresponds to the maximal object literal occurence in the given SOM reference.
        oValue - the given object value.
        0 upon success.
      • cancelActionOccured

        boolean cancelActionOccured()
        Method that is called periodically during script execution. The method returns true if user has pressed Esc Key during the execution of FormCalc.