Class Layout

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class Layout
    extends Object
    This is the base class for the layout of an TemplateModel or FormModel Every xfalayout derivative represents a representation of a form, either based from an underlying xfatemplatemodel or xfaformmodel. It is an array of trees structures, one for each page in the final layout. Each tree hierarchy is comprised of xfalayoutnode derivatives, customized for by layout implementation. All layout classes are built using the same layout-building algorithm, and can perform specific operations through various overridable functions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Layout

        public Layout​(AppModel oAppModel)
    • Method Detail

      • layout

        public void layout​(boolean bFullRelayout)
      • getLayoutEnv

        public LayoutEnv getLayoutEnv()
        Return the layout environment
      • getAppModel

        public AppModel getAppModel()
        Return the app model
      • getTemplateModel

        public TemplateModel getTemplateModel()
        Return the template model
      • ranOutOfPages

        public boolean ranOutOfPages()
        Returns whether the previous layout process unexpectedly ran out or was unable to choose a page. Optionally return the pageSet from which we ran out