Interface Protocol

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Protocol
    A interface that all Internet protocol objects must implement.
    • Method Detail

      • scheme

        String scheme()
        Gets the protocol's scheme. This method is required for all implementations of custom protocols and must return a non-null, non-empty value.
        this protocol's scheme.
      • get

        InputStream get​(String sUrl)
        Gets (downloads) the data designated by the given URL.
        sUrl - the URL to be downloaded.
        an InputStream that contains the downloaded data.
      • put

        void put​(String sFileName,
                 String sUrl)
        Puts (uploads) the given file's data to the given URL. The protocol designated must support uploading, e.g., http[s] PUT, or ftp[s] STOR.
        sFileName - the file to be uploaded.
        sUrl - the URL to upload the file to.
      • put

        void put​(InputStream inputStream,
                 String sUrl)
        Puts (uploads) the given input stream's data to the given URL. The protocol designated must support uploading, e.g., http[s] PUT, or ftp[s] STOR.
        inputStream - the input stream to be uploaded.
        sUrl - the URL to upload the input stream to.
      • post

        Protocol.PostRsvp post​(Protocol.SimplePostData data,
                               String sUrl)
        Posts simple form data to the given URL. Only http[s] protocols support posting of data.
        data - a description of the simple form data being posted to the URL.
        sUrl - the URL to post the data to.
        a PostRsvp object containing the server's response. the server designed.
      • post

        Protocol.PostRsvp post​(List<? extends Protocol.MultiPartDesc> data,
                               String sUrl)
        Posts multipart form data to the given URL. Only http[s] protocols support posting of data.
        data - a description of the multipart form data being posted to the URL.
        sUrl - the URL to post the data to.
        a PostRsvp object containing the server's response.
      • getAuthenticationHandler

        AuthenticationHandler getAuthenticationHandler()
        Gets the protocol's authentication handler.
        an AuthenticationHandler, or null.
      • isTrusted

        boolean isTrusted​(String sURL,
                          Protocol.TrustType eTrustType,
                          boolean bThrow)
        Determines if the given URL can be trusted according to the given type of enforcement rule.
        sURL - the URL to be trusted.
        eTrustType - the type of trust enforcement needed.
        bThrow - when true, requests that a trust exception (ExFull) be thrown if the URL is not trusted.
        true if trusted, otherwise false.
      • getURLStreamHandler

        URLStreamHandler getURLStreamHandler()
        Gets the protocol's URL stream handler. This method is required for all implementations of custom protocols and must return a non-null value.
        an URL stream handler.